{I absolutely love Teri Lynne’s consistent and persistent heart to challenge women to live out loud for Christ. With transparency, vulnerability and zeal, she seems to always challenge women to pursue a passionate relationship with Christ in the midst of the dailies of this life.
I especially love Teri Lynne’s post, “What Is Your Finish Line?” When you get involved in serving Christ it can be an easy fade from worshipping God to worshipping the work. In this post she calls us to remember the prize is not the accomplishment of a work as she says – “The prize is Christ … and I do know this …HE is ENOUGH!” Teri Lynne, thank you for the way you shine for Christ – and the way you challenge others to do so, too!}
What is your finish line?

A gold medal is a wonderful thing. But if you’re not enough without it, you’ll never be enough with it. ~ Cool Runnings
The writer of Hebrews admonishes us to “run with perseverance the race marked out for us” (12:1 NIV). And so often I see people running … hard, dedicated, passionate … but I wonder if they are seeking the true finish line.
We’re told in the second verse of that chapter that our finish line is Jesus Christ. That’s it. Christ is the end … “the author and perfecter of our faith.” It’s Him alone.
But as I look around – first my own heart and then the visible lives of others – I see a lot of other finish lines … and some of those finish lines are not bad things! But running toward your family or your home, setting your sights on your ministry or your influence … those are just as “not Christ” as focusing on on wealth or power.
And though I haven’t learned nearly all I want to know, one thing I have begun to grasp is this … Whatever we pursue instead of Christ will always leave us empty. If our goal is ANYTHING except making Him known in all things … no “win” will ever fulfill us. The prize is Christ … and I do know this …
Stephanie, thank you for your kind words. I am so thankful to have your sweet friendship. And I do hope I am able to encourage others to live faithfully and consistently in fellowship with Christ.
I’m still learning exactly how true that “He is Enough” statement is… and, honestly, I hope to keep learning more and more about it.
And, you used a quote from “Cool Runnings!!!” Awesome!!!!
(And, as someone outside of the Scripture Dig group, I’ll agree with Stephanie’s observation that Teri Lynne’s ministry “challenge[s] women to live out loud for Christ.” I definitely see that regularly. And it’s a prayer for my ministry, as well as praise for all of what you all do here at Scripture Dig. You all aim to encourage authentic faith. Honest opinion.. not just flattery, by the way.) :-)