Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you shall be on your heart. ~ Deuteronomy 6:4-6

What are you thinking about, focusing on, as this new year begins?
Resolutions made and plans for seriously following through this year.
Plans for losing weight, exercising more, or finally decluttering the junk drawer in the kitchen.
Maybe you’ve determined to read the Bible through this year or be more consistent in Scripture memorization.
But what’s on your heart?
Is it fear of failure or worry about finances? Maybe your heart is heavy with concern for loved ones fighting illness or children who have chosen a wayward path. Perhaps you are fighting an internal battle with insecurity.
Far too often, I believe we end up letting go of the resolutions and goals and dreams because we’ve allowed the wrong things to settle deep in our hearts.
We live in fear though we have been given a spirit of power. 2 Timothy 1:7
We battle with insecurity though we are created in the image of the One True God. Genesis 1:27
We wrestle with worry though we are promised peace beyond understanding. Philippians 4:6-7
As this year begins, my desire is that the Word of God be settled deep on my heart. That my first response to life will be to seek His truth. That my response to others will be rooted in Scripture’s clear example. That I will speak words of life and hope and truth into the hearts and lives of others.
My earnest prayer is this:
Lord, may my heart be stayed on Thee, daily seeking Thy clear Word
Ever trusting in Thy steady hand.
Lord, may my heart be found in Thee, wrestling not with sinful deed
Rather walking by Thy faithful plan.
What’s on your heart?
Oh amen, my friend. Yes. I needed these words this morning. Thank you, Teri Lynn. Praying that prayer with you today.
Yes, Teri Lynne: “my desire is that the Word of God be settled deep on my heart.” I’ve been considering one of my biggest goals in life now … to run to Him and His Word (and therefore His truth) FIRST with my questions, rather than try to figure it out on my own (as I’m so apt to do). Thank you for this reminder today.
Thank you, Kris and Caroline. It’s a constant battle isn’t it, to keep our hearts and minds stayed on Him?
We do get off track so easily! Thank you for the reminder to keep the Word of God on our heart – I like how you’ve given the biblical solutions to our common problems. We so often forget that the Bible is relevant to all these things, so it is a great goal to keep it central.
This was beautiful.
And so very important.
I want to carry this reminder around with me…
Thank Teri Lynne! I also pray that my “first response to life will be to seek His truth!” Great word!
This is just what I needed. Thank you for sharing!