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The question is not whether or not you have a testimony; the question is whether or not you will choose to share it.
In Mark 5, Jesus healed a man who had been possessed by demons. After Jesus healed him, the man begged to go with Jesus. I love Jesus’ response: “Go home to your own people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you” (Mark 5:19).
Go and tell.
It’s the exact same command Jesus gives to us today…to go and tell others what Jesus has done for us.
All too often, though, we wonder what we have to share.
Maybe you grew up in a Christian family, went to church since you were born, and don’t think your testimony is “good enough” to share. Maybe you read the story in Mark 5 and think, Sure, he has a story. He was healed of demon-possession. What can I possibly share that’s powerful like that?
The truth is, though, your story is powerful, because your story (just like this man’s story) is a story of freedom.
Here are a few possible things Jesus might have freed you from:
- Perfectionism
- Worry
- A life of addiction (drugs, alcohol, pornography, sex, food, the approval of others, social media, etc.)
- Fear
- Self-doubt
- Pride
- Control
- Anger
- Discontentment
- Unforgiveness
I don’t know from what God has freed you, but I do know this. Jesus doesn’t come into your life and leave your hands and feet bound by chains. He ever so carefully works to unbind whatever it is that constrains you.
As the chains fall to the ground, he asks of you the same thing he asked of the man in Mark 5: go and tell.
Tell your co-worker who is struggling with her finances how God helped you learn to handle your money. Tell your sister who just lost a baby how God healed your heart of its brokenness. Tell your friend who thinks no one could ever love her about the God who already does.
Your story might not be as explosive as another’s, but it is nonetheless powerful in the hands of the God who longs to use it.
What’s your story? When has someone else’s seemingly “small” story encouraged you? Share in the comments below!
“The question is not whether or not you have a testimony; the question is whether or not you will choose to share it. http://wp.me/p1Su7F-2Pa” – Click to tweet this.
“Thoughts by @Lindseymbell on what to do when you wonder if your testimony isn’t “good enough” to share. http://wp.me/p1Su7F-2Pa @DoNotDepart” – Click to tweet this.
Lindsey, I love this emphasis on how all of us have a story to tell. So often, we think our study isn’t significant enough to make a difference, but we can, and we do! Thanks, friend.
It’s something I struggle with often, but God has been reminding me lately…I don’t care how big or how small your story seems to you. What matters is that you share it!