I just have to start today’s post saying “THANK YOU” to the Lord for so great a salvation. This study has been a reflection of grace for this wretched sinner made saint! Perhaps it’s been the same for you.
Today, I’d like to do something a little different. At the end of this post are several links to songs that are beautiful expressions of thankfulness to the Lord for choosing nail pierced hands, a crown of thorns and a spear torn side. After reading “Why the Cross?” will you take a few minutes to listen to at least one of those songs, think about what He has done for you and worship Him – He is absolutely worthy!
Here’s today’s post:
Yesterday we took a journey to the beginning of time as we know it. We looked at the fall of man and the institution of the sacrificial system. Today we are going to focus our attention on the New Testament and the cross of Christ. But before we look forward to the cross, we’re going to look back at an epic event of monumental proportions. The Passover.
Moses had given Pharoah his final warning, “Thus says the LORD God of Israel: ‘Let My people go,'” But Pharoah’s pride was bigger than his brain and he refused to listen to God for the last time. Unfortunately, this was going to cost him more than he ever imagined.
The plague of death was on its way. It would be a night of broken lives and shattered dreams as the plague of death seized every firstborn soul. But God’s people were given a way to protect themselves and their families. They were to take a spotless lamb, kill it and apply the blood to their doorposts. If they would do that, then the the plague of death would “pass over” them.
“The blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you live; and when I see the blood I will pass over you, and no plague will befall you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt.” Exodus 12:13
And that’s exactly what He did. He saw the blood and He passed over them. It was God’s grace on a people who would trust Him enough to do what He says.
Now, fast forward some 1400 years to a quaint upper room where Jesus sits with His disciples as He shares His last meal with them. It was the first night of Passover. It would be a Passover like no other, for the Lamb of God would lay His life down as a sacrifice for the sins of the whole human race.
You see, every sacrifice before that time was a “type” of Christ. A fore-shadow of what was to come. The Creator of the universe would become the spotless Lamb that would not just cover our sin, but cleanse it once and for all. He was the only One who could, because He is the only One who is perfectly sinless.
He came as the High Priest as well as the Sacrifice. Hebrews 9:12 says, “He did not enter by means of the blood of goats and calves; but he entered the Most Holy Place once for all by his own blood, having obtained eternal redemption.”
Hebrews 10:1,10&12 says, “The old system under the law of Moses was only a shadow, a dim preview of the good things to come, not the good things themselves. The sacrifices under that system were repeated again and again, year after year, but they were never able to provide perfect cleansing for those who came to worship. For God’s will was for us to be made holy by the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ, once for all time. But our High Priest offered himself to God as a single sacrifice for sins, good for all time. Then he sat down in the place of honor at God’s right hand.”
Jesus came to be the final and ultimate sacrifice for our sins. That’s why we no longer have to sacrifice animals on the Day of Atonement. Christ is our atonement. We no longer kill the Passover lamb because, as John the Baptist pointed out, Jesus was the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.
As Jesus took His predetermined place on a cross between two thieves, His last words echoed through the portals of time – “It is finished!” He did what was necessary to restore our relationship with God that had been lost in the garden of Eden. What was lost in the fall was gained on the cross!
To be honest with you, no one knows why God chose to redeem mankind through the blood. Perhaps it was to demonstrate how vile sin is before a holy and righteous God. But He is God and we are not. He calls the shots. He makes the rules.
All I can say is I’m so thankful He chose to offer Himself as a sacrifice for our sins. If He didn’t, you and I would be without hope, without peace, without purpose and without God. It was the cross that bridged that gap between a righteous God and fallen man.
Oh sweet sister, please take a few minutes to thank Him for the cross. As I write this, my heart is overwhelmed with unspeakable gratitude to a Savior who didn’t have to come. Who chose to be forsaken so I would never have to be. What a wonderful Savior! To Him be glory, honor, praise, worship and adoration forever and ever!
Click one of the links below and contemplate how great a price He paid for us.
“Thank You for the Cross” – Hillsong
The Wondrous Cross – Matt Redmon
Nothing But Your Blood – Matt Redmon
Have you received Christ and what He has done for you on the cross in payment for your sin? Please take a minute and share what the cross means to you.
Thank you Stephanie for sharing your heart this morning! The Lamb is indeed worthy of all honor and glory and power. Praise God that He was willing to shed His blood for me.
Kathy ~ I had a sweet time of brokenness and worship in the midst of writing this post. What a wonderful Savior!
Stephanie, thank you for writing so beautifully about something so wondrous.
Teri Lynne ~ I think I had a small glimpse of what revival looks like when I studied for and wrote this post. I love being part of the SD team – even if sometimes it feels a little selfish because we never grow more than when we teach. :-)
This was beautifully written and so true. What a great God who would lay down His life for our sake!
Kristine ~ When I really think about the fact that before we were ever created He already knew that we would need redemption and that He was the only One who could purchase our pardon with His blood. I’m so humbled by so great a salvation! What a wonderful Savior!
So glad you’re diggin’ with us! :-)
Thanks again! I can tell you were having a sweet time of worship and Thanksgiving with the Lord during the prep and writing of these posts. It shows in your sweet, enthusiastic words.
Thanks for the links to the songs. I listened to a couple and just let it soak in. The Revelation song is one of my favorites.
It is amazing to me that such a PURE God could love his creation so completely that he would provide a way for us to be Pure in his eyes at such a high price. Absolutely mindboggling.
Marita ~ I’m am so in fresh awe of our precious Savior! The Pure for the impure – what an amazing exchange! His love for us is completely beyond my comprehension!
Thanks for your sweet words!
And thanks for digging with us. You always bless us with your insight! :-)