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I absolutely LOVE studying Scripture! There’s nothing like opening the Bible and getting to know the Living God more – getting together with God’s girls and exploring the wonder of the Word!
Sweet sisters, I hope you’ve been as excited as we have this past week! It’s been chock-full off foundational truths and fundamental Christian beliefs. Kristi Stephens explained why the manager was essential to mankind’s salvations. Kathy Howard examined the incarnation and helped us understand the significance of the truth that the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. And yesterday, Sandra Peoples explored the magnitude of the virgin birth.
During this season of twinkling lights, gingerbread houses and glittery gifts, Jesus emerges as the center of it all – the undeniable King of the universe. There is nothing that can compare to the majesty of who He is!
May this be a season of worship for you as you join the Scripture Dig team in our quest to know Him more and make Him the passionate pursuit of our lives – the unparalleled longing of our hearts.
“Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, to God who alone is wise, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.” 1 Timothy 1:17
Let your adoration for the Living God overflow into words of encouragement for others to read. Share your praise for the Savior of the world – born of a virgin – the God/man – the One who graced planet earth with His presence and secured salvation by giving Himself for us all. Share what Christ means to you and how He is working in your midst.
I can’t wait to read what God is doing in your life!
I so love your blog and the daily encouragement. These are just a few of the blessings God has been faithful to pour out on my life this year. He’s just so good all of the time. He provides strength for the journey, grace for the trial and unspeakable joy for all the in between times. God is constantly pulling me back to his word and showing me the meaning of simple prayers. He listens to us! Scripture Dig is a constant reminder to me of his continual presence and desire to be all things to me.
Merry Christmas!
Tina ~ You’re the one who’s an encouragement to us! We’re so glad you’re digging with us! You’re right, God is so wonderful! There aren’t enough words to adequately praise Him. He is beyond anything our hearts can conceive, yet He chose to be made flesh and dwell among us – to be the Lamb of God who took away the sins of the world!
I’m so thankful you shared your praise of Him with us. It blessed me more than I can say!
God has given me a new desire to truly wrap myself in his words…truly a robe of righeousness that I can not attain. Only he can wrap me in it… This past week, God has given me the opportunity to see truth…only truth that can be found when I know his words. He has been speaking silently to me…and out loud. Every day, my 9 year old has been excited as he stumbles upon something and can drive it back to scripture. My 7 year old has truly had the light back on in her eyes, as we read through our advent book and she recognizes names and events….God is showing me that He is working. He is here…He is loving us…..and how truly important our words, actions and tones are to all……Thank you for your sweet blog! Blessings!
Rebecca ~ From one mother to another, your words are like music in my ears! There truly is no greater joy than to see our children walk in Truth! Rejoicing with you sister, as you see God working in your own life and in your children’s lives, as well! That just makes my heart smile! :-)
Stephanie I love the Scripture you used today. “Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, to God who alone is wise, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.” 1 Timothy 1:17
Jesus is King. He was born to be King and He reigns now and forever. All might, power, and authority belong to Him. He deserves all honor and praise!
Kathy ~ AMEN & AMEN!! What a wonderful Savior – what a glorious God!
I am praising God that He loves us messy sinful folks enough to get messy by sending Jesus. God has been reminding me that I am a mess, apart from Him I can do nothing, and He came. He separated Himself and flung the Jesus part into the physical world as a tiny embryo. AMAZING…I’ve blogged about these things this week.
Angela ~ I’m SO in agreement with you! As messed up as we are, He still loves us more than we can comprehend. I LOVE HOW HE LOVES US!!
I’d love for you to add your link to what you blogged about!
Here is my first post this week about being messy and God loving us still it is titled
Confessions http://wp.me/pPf6R-8B
Here is my next post about how foolishly we seek to work for what God has given us. It is titled Foolish Galatians?! Foolish Me http://wp.me/pPf6R-8J
Finally I posted about God getting messy to save us. It is titled God Cracked the Egg
I hope these posts encourage others.
God’s love is unconditional, never holding rejection over our heads. His love is unlike any other we can experience on earth. The humility of His incarnation shows how selflessly He loves.
Julie ~ Thanks for reminding us of how the greatest love of all came packaged in humility! Wow. It one of those times when I am speechless in light of His greatness!
Something great that God has been working in me this year is on renewal. I’ve been repeatedly learning that the opportunities I’m given to renew my heart and mind to Christ is a gift and a grace, not a chore. Refocusing on Christ daily (hourly! minute-ly!) is a path that I am blessed to been given chances to walk on, hand-in-hand with our loving God. This renewal channels Christ’s light and love through me to shine onto others. I so desire to be that vessel always!
I just finished reading Corrie ten Boom’s memoir (“The Hiding Place”). It was yet another reminder that submersing ourselves in Scripture (and then sharing those Words) strengthens, encourages, and revitalizes. I’m thankful for you all here at Scripture Dig and your desire to surround yourselves (and us!) with God’s Word as well!
Caroline ~ I love how you said, “I am blessed to been given chances to walk on, hand-in-hand with our loving God.” You’re right – they are opportunities, not chores. We actually are invited by the Living God to get to know Him more – to rest in Him – to see Him at work in our hearts and lives!
Thank you so much for sharing that wonderful truth! We’re thankful you’re digging with us! :-)