What do you do with . . .
- the sermon notes you took last Sunday?
- the handouts from your ladies’ group book study at church?
- the list of memory verses you’re hiding in your heart?
If you want to collect all those scattered papers and capture your insights in one place, we’re offering free printables all month to help you create your own Bible notebook.
Getting organized isn’t as difficult as you might think, and is less time-consuming in the long run than chasing down paper clutter or forgetting lessons you want to remember.
Here are 4 easy first steps:
- Print this page of tabs (three blank tabs included)
- Cut on the solid lines; fold on the dotted lines (makes the category visible from front and back)
- Insert tabs into plastic tab dividers or tape onto a piece of paper (use only the ones you need)
- Put all into a binder with loose-leaf notebook paper (or decorative paper if you’d prefer)
Then start collecting! Just by setting up the notebook, you’ve conquered one of the greatest hindrances to getting organized.
God wants us to remember and worship Him for what He’s done and is currently doing. Being organized makes that easier, as well as helps us serve others more effectively by accessing scriptures we’ve learned from.
I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember your wonders of old. I will ponder all your work, and meditate on your mighty deeds.
Psalm 77:11-12
Click here to download your free printable tabs sheet.
What categories would you include in a notebook? Please leave your suggestions here.
Thanks! I can put these to good use.
Good! I’m glad to hear that, Penny.
I LOVE THIS!! Super-cute, and perfect for dressing up tab dividers! Thanks, Lisa!
Thanks, Katie. I’m using them in my own notebook now. {smile}
These are great! I love the idea of creating a bible notebook! Some tabs I’d include are:SOAP Journal, Faithfulness Journal (of God’s faithfulness), Encouraging Bible Verses, Helpful Resources (a running list of websites, books, apps, etc. that help me study my Bible, memorize Scripture, and otherwise grow in the Lord.)
Those are great categories, Brooke. I remember learning about the S.O.A.P. method a few months ago from you and loved it. I’ll link to your post here for others who are interested:
This is so awesome. A very good friend of mine sent me the link to this page a few days ago and I am so excited. This is wonderful! Thank you for taking the time out of your day to provide this information to us!
Glad to hear this. We want the resources to be practical things people can really use in their everyday lives. So I appreciate you taking the time to leave a note! May God continue to bless you as you seek Him.
I love the font you used for these tabs and I want to make matching divider pages. I’d like to know what the font is if you don’t mind sharing. Thanks.
I’m glad you’re finding the tabs helpful, Lawren. The font I used for them is “Jenna Sue”. Have fun making divider pages!
Thank you so much for sharing!!! I can’t wait to get started and organized!!
Awesome. Hope this will be a help, Annie!
I am so glad u came across this. My daily reading habits have fallen buy I love this idea and it’s like having a scrapbook of your walk with Jesus. I so plan on using this.
Thanks, Cheryl. Hope this will be a helpful tool for you! I have had to change binders a few times, but I still have the same old and new journal pages in my Bible notebook, and it is indeed a scrapbook of my spiritual journey. When I go back and read previous journal entries from Bible texts, I can almost pinpoint the year I wrote it because of where I was in my walk at that time. :)