As a tea bag steeps in the tea cup, the hot water absorbs the flavor of the tea. In fact, the water becomes tea. The longer the bag stays in the water, the richer and more flavorful the water becomes.
Simply reading through or hearing a biblical passage will not affect our hearts, minds, and lives like steeping in its richness. Like the tea bag, we must immerse ourselves in God’s Word, holding onto it in our thoughts until its truth becomes a part of who we are. This process is called “biblical meditation.”
A few months ago, I wrote a post about what Christian, biblical meditation is and why and how we should meditate. Read “Meditate on God’s Word: Time to Mull, Ponder, and Steep.”
I’ve created an easy-to-use, printable worksheet to help you meditate on God’s Word. Download and print the PDF now: Bible Meditation Worksheet.
This worksheet is just one of many resources and tools we’ll be sharing this month here at Do Not Depart. Lisa’s post about making a Bible study notebook got such an overwhelming response, the DND team wants to encourage you with a month full of useful items to add to your notebook!
Let’s chat: How has God used biblical meditation to grow your relationship with Him?
I know that as I meditate on God’s Word, my understand grows, the words lodge in my heart and mind, and I have “ammunition” for moments of temptation and for moments of opportunity!
Julie, I love the idea of God’s Word being “ammunition!” Let’s stay “armed” with God’s Word!