Our fall Bible study starts today! It’s not too late to jump in with us. This post is the Devotional version of the study intro. You can also access the Quick Study (2 page introduction lesson) of today’s lesson in a PDF. There is not a corresponding intro lesson in the book.
Christians Do Have Trials
Many Christian women I love and admire have faced or are facing significant trials like life-threatening illness, divorce, death of a child, and financial hardship. These kinds of situations would knock many people flat. But these women are standing firm on their faith in God. They’ve discovered that God works in the middle of it all for His glory. They are standing on the truth of His Word in the midst of the storm.
It’s vital for us to know what the Bible says about why God allows trials in our lives and how He uses them. Otherwise, we might be thrown off course by false teaching that claims Christians who obey God and have enough faith will experience only prosperity.
What Does the Bible Say About Trials?
Read the following passages and record what the Bible does teach about trials in the lives of believers?
- John 16:33
- John 15:18-20
- 2 Timothy 3:12
- James 1:2
- 1 Peter 1:6
Scripture makes it clear that believers will face trials and difficulties. However, as we continue to faithfully follow God, those trials are never wasted. He uses them to refine our faith, shape our character, work out His purposes, and bring glory to Himself. And yes, God does care about every aspect of our physical well-being. But He cares even more about our eternal well-being.
Are You Ready?
Are you ready for the inevitable trials of life? You can have a faith that will stand rock-solid whatever comes your way. Over the next eight weeks we will discover eight faith traits God instilled in Peter to grow his faith from shaky to unshakeable! Our goal for this study is to allow God to do in our lives what He did in Peter’s. Are you ready?
Group discussion: What trials and difficulties have you encountered that have threatened to shake your faith in Christ? Can you see how God was working in them?
This post is the Devotional version of the study intro. You can also access the Quick Study (2 page introduction lesson) of today’s lesson in a PDF. If you want to do the Full Study you can purchase the book on Amazon or CBD.
Kathy, what an incredible study! I love the topic and the scriptures in the devo message today. Living in Louisiana and praying, hoping, helping many families whose lives were de-constructed after Katrina, that Isaiah passage spoke some very close to home words of strength and comfort to many in our state. It’s a marvelous analogy to the care we must take to guard our hearts against the horrific destruction that the evil one plans for us on a regular basis. You are a very gifted Bible study author and teacher and I look forward to working through this study in the weeks ahead. God bless you and your ministry. YOU are a true blessing! Love you Sister, Joneal
Joneal, thanks for coming by today! Thank you too for allowing God to use you to minister to those who are hurting. Praying God allows us to meet in person again one day!
Kathy, I haven’t officially “joined” this study, but am certainly looking forward to the posts about it. I am one of those dealing with a chronic illness. In fact, I’m sharing about some things I’ve learned through it on my blog this week, as we observe “invisible illness” week.
I’m looking forward to reading further posts in this series!
Elizabeth, so glad you came by! No need to “officially join!” May God give you strength and fill you with His peace.
This question really resonates: “Are you ready for the inevitable trials of life?” I’m excited about sharing this study on DND, because I know it will really help to strengthen MY faith and that of those who ready/study along with us.
Julie, there are so many hurting women out there! I spoke at a retreat this weekend. One of the talks was about standing firm on The Rock, our Savior, during hard times. I had the blessing of being able to talk and pray with many Christian women who are facing devastating situations. They are clinging to God and He is holding them up!
The timing on this study is perfect for my life. I’ve felt like the waves of life have pushed and pulled at my heart and my faith in countless ways these past few months. Thank you, Kathy, for leading us … and for your testimony of allowing God to lead you.
Teri Lynne, I feel much the same way. God’s timing is indeed perfect. We not only need to teach these truths about trials and how God works we need to remind ourselves constantly!
I plan on working thru this study with you – just finished a weekend ladies’ retreat in Iowa (IARBC) w/ 502 ladies in attendance. We were challenged with a theme “Authentically Reflecting Christ” – this subject will be a great extension of continued learning to rely on God in order to reflect Him better to the world around us.
Corrine, you are so right. When we stand firm in our faith during hard times it is an undeniable testimony to the world about the relevancy of our faith! Glad you’re joining in!
I would love to do this study! Life has shaken my faith in many ways lately and I need this study to do some reconnecting. Thank you so much for offering this.
Sherry, glad to have you join us! May God strengthen your faith and give you His peace as you study His Word.
Kathy, thank you for this lovely study; I am going to thoroughly be changed as I yield to His Word.
Hi Barbara, I love the transforming power of God’s Word! Glad you’re with us!
Kathy, another great post, and so relevant to our lives.Thankyou for sharing the practical with the spiritual encouragement.
Hi Susan! I love that God’s Word is so practical. It is applicable to our lives today. I’m so glad He gives us what we need to get through the painful trials of life.
Hello, I would like to jump in the study… I need it! I hope it would be possible even if I live in Italy.
I would like to follow the ”Quick Study”.
Thank you
Hi Maddalena! Thrilled to have you join us from Italy. I know we have women from all over the world that will be joining us. Welcome!
It amazes me as I look back over my faith journey to see this truth at work: the greater the trial, the deeper my faith has grown. God is SO gracious to take what should devastate me, and turn it into a means to bring greater joy by making me more dependent on Him. Oh, I have so much further to go! So thankful to be joining this study.
Patti, thank you for sharing that. Well said. I’ve been working on memorizing 1 Peter 1. Verse 6-7 talk about the purpose of trials in our lives. “These have come so that your faith – of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire – may be proved genuine and result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.” (vs 7) As much as God cares about our physical circumstances, our faith is even more precious to Him. He wants our faith to be tried and proved true so He will be glorified!
I have a tendency to try to work out my trials myself. Then when I am in the car or somewhere listening to music I hear a song that triggers a thought and it is like a light goes on. God is there, why do I always have to do it my way? I am really looking forward to this study. God must have wanted me to do it, since I was one of the winners of the book. Thank you so much!!
Darcey, thanks for sharing this! I have done the exact same thing. Either I try to fix it myself or I throw up my hands in defeat. Instead I should go to God for His strength and direction. He is able!
I need an advicd. It is my first real Bible study so I do not know how to behave.. I read the imtroduction to the study and all the peaces of the Bible indicated … I answered the questions related… and now?
I need to right a post? If yes where?
Thanl you
Hi Maddalena, sounds like you’re doing great so far. If you would like to write a post to join in discussion that would be great. You can respond to the last question in the post. Here it is again: “What trials and difficulties have you encountered that have threatened to shake your faith in Christ? Can you see how God was working in them?”
Since I’ve been a young girl I try to be a good girl, ”the right girl” and to do what it is expected from me… so I become Catholic without really understand what hat means… dress in the proper way.. do the proper studies… be in the rightgroup of friends… but I never stop to understand what all that means and who I really was… and I lost my faith…
God has always been in a corner of my soul… but at a point I thought was more important to be like others… to have… to act as everyone.. and not to be… I started to have doubt and to reject the rigidity of the Roman Church where I didn’t find answers but only dogma…
And I fall in bad personal crisis… I understood that something was wrong… that i lost myself and the true meaning of life….
And God start to talk to me again… I do not know how but He bring me to search new inspiration and new way to find it… so I find fantastic women in blogs that wan’t to helps mothers to find themselves and let Him whisper to their soul…..
Thank to them and to Him I for the first time started to read the Bible and day after day discovered His word and that through them I finally can find myself and the peace of my soul… soul that was emptied from the nothingness of the modern and busy way of life….
As Peter I diswon God.. but as Peter I broke down and find Him and the true faith..
Sorry if i’ve been to long..
I sitll have problems with the Catholic Church but God that it is in the corner of my soul anymore.
Maddalena, sounds like God has pursued your heart through the trials of your life. I am so glad He has drawn you close to Him. We are honored that you are doing your first real Bible study with us. Keep studying the Bible. Try to connect with Christian women where you are so you can have some real, live encouragement too!
Kathy you know the truth?
I do not know where to start in order to find other Christian women to whom connct… that have my belifes and principles… in Italy there is in act a very faith crisis?… and I am still in search of a suitable church..
I feel the need of a Community, as Sally Clarckson often says, but I do not know in this busy life (I am a full tikme worker and mother of two little girls) how to find it..
Any advice?
Maddelena, I’ve emailed you to get some more information. I will do what I can to help you find a church community. Check your email!