We’ve read their stories many times. Their pain and grief jump off the pages of God’s Word. Their desperate need and raw emotion still flow down through the centuries. But the Gospel writers left out one detail. We don’t know their names.
Everywhere Jesus went He met need with power and compassion. The Gospels tell countless stories of healing, deliverance, provision, and freedom.
Sometimes Jesus met the needs of a multitude, like when he multiplied the loaves and fishes to feed 5,000 plus hungry people. Sometimes Jesus met the need of a group. For instance, He provided wine for a wedding feast and calmed the dangerous storm on the Sea of Galilee to save the twelve.
But most often, Jesus met the need of the one. Up close, personal, intimate. Sometimes the name of the one is included in the story and sometimes it is not.
Throughout October here at Do Not Depart, we will be exploring the nameless women Jesus encountered. Unnamed by the Gospel writers, these women were valuable to Jesus. In compassion and power, He reached out and met their need.
And He knew their names.
Do you ever feel “unnamed?” Just one insignificant person lost in an endless stream of needy people? Jesus knows your name. He knows your need. His power and compassion are sufficient for you today.
Join us through this series. Allow Jesus’ encounters with the “nameless” ones of the Gospels to encourage your heart today.
Have you ever felt “nameless?” How can recognizing that Jesus knows your name and need encourage you today?
Looking forward to the discussion, Kathy. I am encouraged by El Roi, The God who sees ME
Thanks Jeanne! It is so comforting to know that God does indeed “see” me!
Suddenly I’m put in mind of being in an airport in the spring of 2001. I had to leave my family behind in Kentucky (which tore me up), to go visit my mother (who passed soon after my visit) in Utah. I was by myself in the middle of tens of thousands of people. Not a single one of them knew anything about me. But I was not alone. God knew I was there. He knew my name. He cared (and cares) about each and every one of us.
Thank you for sharing this with us! What a great testimony to this truth. God knows us intimately!