I am thrilled that Katie and Lara chose Philippians for this summer’s Maximize Your Mornings bible study, and I am privileged to be able to share a few thoughts with you here.
It seems to be my year for Philippians. I started meditating and journaling on Philippians in May of 2010. In August, my children and I decided to memorize Philippians. In September our church began a study of Philippians. And now, a year later, I am still reading this little book, and still discovering new gems!
How true it is that…
…the Word of God is living and active…
Hebrews 4:12
God’s Word meets us where we are and reveals fresh truths to us every time!
If you followed along with the study plan, you have read Philippians 1:12-18 many times this week. You have looked for truths about God, Paul and your identity in Christ. You have discovered promises and commands. And you have sought God for how to apply to your own life what you have gleaned from your study of this passage.
In Chains for Christ
We learned last week that Paul was imprisoned while he was writing his letter to the Philippians. This fact is a central point of Philippians 1:12-18.
Paul has been imprisoned because He is preaching the good news about Jesus Christ …
…my imprisonment is for Christ.
Philippians 1:13b
But against all human inclination, Paul speaks of his imprisonment in nothing but positive terms…
…what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel,
Philippians 1:12b
According to Paul, his imprisonment advanced the gospel not only because it received a lot of publicity (v. 13), but also by causing his brothers in Christ to trust in the Lord more fully, thereby strengthening them to speak the Word of God fearlessly (v. 14).
Sadly, some people used the situation to preach Christ for the wrong reasons (v.17) but Paul was able to see that despite their impure motives, he could still be thankful that the good news was being preached (v. 18).
Paul understood that the gospel was progressing not despite his difficult circumstances, but because of his difficult circumstances. He was not dismayed by how things appeared. Instead, Paul used his spiritual eyes to see God’s good work through his trials.
Did you notice that Paul ends this passage about his imprisonment and others’ selfish behavior by rejoicing? It will come as no surprise that when he was imprisoned in Philippi Paul spent his time singing praise songs!
Friend, are you feeling imprisoned right now? Can you, like Paul, look at your situation with spiritual eyes? Does God want you to allow Him to use your sufferings for His glory to advance the gospel?
God’s Word in Your Life
You have spent time each day studying God’s Word this week. Because His Word is living and active, what has stood out to you will be uniquely applicable to your own life. And just as Paul’s boldness in sharing his faith encouraged his fellow believers, your gleanings will bless us!
I hope you will share with us how God has spoken to your heart through Philippians 1:12-18. What new truths have you discovered? What action is God prompting you to through these verses?
Please leave us your thoughts in the comments… we look forward to hearing from you!
I journalled on the first and second week together as I only got my bible study specific journal last week.
What I found most impressive is that God HAS started a good work in me and He fully intends to complete that work. So no matter where I am, or how distant I feel God is, He is still working in the background.
Additionally it was interesting for me to see that in order to live a pure and blameless life I have to understand what is important. It’s that whole ‘because of’ and not ‘inspite of’ situation at play. God knows what He’s doing – He see’s the bigger picture, and my role is solely to look to Him to see the success of the situation (no matter how bleek). He says to ask for wisdom and He’ll give it. That doesn’t necessarily mean a way out, but rather a way to declare Him in the situation I’m in. Basically to understand that my flesh will refuse to see the works in the spirit unless I force it to focus on Him.
At least… those are my thoughts…
Jenn, such great observations! It’s like we have to put on spiritual glasses in order to see through our circumstances to God’s purpose. We may not always see clearly, but we can be certain that He has a purpose… and He WILL complete it, as you noted at the beginning. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for this, Patti! What stood out to me was that the gospel was quite obviously Pauls #1 priority, above personal comfort, above fame, above anything. Is my #1 priority the advancement of the gospel? If I look at my motives and my deepest thoughts and longings, the answer is no. When it comes to blogging, singing, and all the other things I do, I am constantly (even though i try so hard not to) comparing myself to others. Look at all those readers, look at all those comments, look how influential their music is, and gosh I’d love to be a part of something that really makes a difference in the kingdom… But the bottom line is that it comes down to the gospel. If Christ is being proclaimed, nothing else matters. That leaves no room for competition, jealousy, envy. I should be thanking God for the people who He has put in influential positions. Thanking Him for their influence, for their devotion o the gospel, and praying for them! If the gospel is the highest priority, that makes it not about me… or them. It’s only and always ALL ABOUT HIM!
Gospel as first priority – yes! And alas, I am right there with you in neglecting to make it always so. Oh the sin which so easily entangles! Seems to me that if we are living our lives in His presence (which requires such attention and self-discipline!) He focuses our eyes on Him and off ourselves. And in the process His work is accomplished in our lives. Every single one of us has influence on many many people, even if we are unaware of it. How we interact with each person each day as a daughter of the King truly does have impact for the kingdom. I am so glad you shared Aly. Very important observation!
Well said! :)
I can’t say i have ever been in an actual prison. (except to visit) However, for many, many years I was imprisoned in my wretched heart. If I can take that wretched heart and see how my redeemed life can make others seek after God’s heart, then I do rejoice. When I was at a compound in Kenya for 2 weeks of conducting women’s Bible Conferences there was a gathering of Wycliffe Bible Translators there. They were working on different projects as well as retreating. One thing I heard (my busy schedule limited me to much gleaning) was that they were changing the wording “in spite of” to “with”….that hit me so hard…i have stopped saying “in spite of this weakness or that weakness” to “even WITH this weakness, I can still be a fit vessel for His kingdom work. See the difference? It is an instant yoking up with Christ. So my life will encourage others to be ‘bold for Christ.’
I see similarities in 2 Timothy 1 to this chapter in Philippians. I am loving this study and i know it is only going to get better. Yes, the Word of God is living. This was the first book I received instruction in after I became a Christian 36 years ago. It was brand new to my heart then, still is. Powerful, Beautiful Word of God.
Thanks for your insight Patti.
I loved reflecting on this passage this week. I was challenged in a couple of ways.
1. How is my life.. serving Christ… is an encouragement to others?
2. Am I choosing to rejoice… wherever I find myself.
I have blogged about this in more detail.
Thank you, Patti. I love meditating on the fact that my current “chains”–whatever they may be–have purpose from my sovereign God. As I rejoice in Him…regardless…the gospel is advanced. And He is worthy of rejoicing. Love to you!
Paul must have been such a curiosity. Everybody knew he was in prison for believing in Jesus, yet not only did he remain strong and joyful, but several others around him became that way too.
Does my life elicit that kind of response when I’m in hardships? Um, probably not…
But I’m encouraged by Paul’s example that if I can suffer well, it can encourage others to be more confident in the Lord too.
Thanks, Patti, for sharing your gleanings with us! They encourage me.
I am really enjoying doing this study. This week’s passage is an eye-opener. I have been receiving a lot of bad news lately, and then on top of all the natural disasters/tragedies around the world, Paul’s words have really put things into perspective. My prayer is that He will be glorified through all that is happening.
“Paul understood that the gospel was progressing not despite his difficult circumstances, but because of his difficult circumstances.” Love this. Perfectly stated.
I am all too often discouraged and overwhelmed by “hard times”. Scripture is clear that we are to “count it as joy” when we encounter “trouble”. Whatever has come our way has gone through the hands of the Almighty before it gets to us, and He uses all things for His glory.
Thanks Patti!
Ah, I LOVE all these wonderful words!! I don’t know how to put together the words that thank you for walking through this with me. Off I go to keep counting my blessings, all of them.
Because of this I rejoice – all of it is by His plans for me and so I will rejoice for there is nothing better than His gifts to me.