Do you consider yourself a theologian?
Most of us would answer that question with a resounding no. But the truth is this: in a way, we all are.
The word theology is comprised of two Greek word parts… theo (meaning God) and ology (meaning knowledge or study of…). So, we could say that a theologian is someone with knowledge of God or someone who studies God.
Is that you?
With this definition and thought process, we can easily see that if we are theologians on any level, we must make sure that our theology is sound.

Why Theology Matters
Whether we’re aware of it or not, our basic theology affects every part of our life. From how we view God to how we interact with our family and friends, no part of our life is truly left untouched by our beliefs. The decisions we make, the things we teach our children, the words that come from our mouths, and even the votes we cast all reflect our response to the basic truths we hold dear.
This month, we’ll be examining in detail Why Sound Theology Matters for Every Woman and discovering ways to make sure our theology is spot on.
And while some people may view theology as a boring, dry, and scholarly subject fit only for the most intellectual of Christians, the truth is theology is for everyone. It’s an exciting, sweet look at the God who loves us immensely. Establishing our theology soundly results in fruitful growth and great joy!
We hope you’ll join us!
[…] And over at DoNotDepart we’ve been writing about some great topics lately. (But don’t we always?!) This month, the focus is on Why Sound Theology Matters for Every Woman. […]