Nature can teach us a lot about faith…if we’ll slow down long enough to listen. Included in this post are 5 activities to help you draw near to God through nature.
One thing I love about summer is the opportunity to be outside.
There’s just something about nature that draws my heart closer to the One who made it.
Can you relate?
All this month, we’ve been chatting about the Creator God. Today, I want to share one of my favorite Bible passages about God’s creative ability.
Psalm 19:1-4 (NIV) says this:
The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they reveal knowledge.
They have no speech, they use no words;
no sound is heard from them.
Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.
I love this text because it reminds me of some things about God and about our role on this earth.
3 Lessons From Nature:
1. Nature reminds us our God is fun.
He’s not some boring, old, stick-in-the-mud God who doesn’t like to have fun. All you have to do is look at some of the funny things God created to realize He has a sense of humor. (Google “Angora Rabbit” if you don’t believe me. That thing has some crazy hair!)
2. Nature compels us to worship.
It’s so easy-with our cars and highways and full calendars-to miss the beauty that is right in front of us. God gave us a gorgeous world. When we slow down and notice it, worship often spontaneously erupts from our souls.
3. Nature reminds us we have a job to do.
As these verses in Psalm 19 say, nature is declaring the glory of God through its beauty. And it’s doing so without using words.
But that doesn’t mean words aren’t necessary. That doesn’t mean we don’t have to share God’s glory with those around us.
God didn’t say, “Creation is telling the world about me, so you don’t have to.” NO!
Nature helps people learn there is a God. It’s our job to explain who that God is!
So this week, as you spend time outside, take time to notice. Take time to worship. And take time to join with creation as it declares the glory of God.
Activities to Do This Week:
Day 1: If the weather is cooperating, go on a walk outside. Listen to the sounds of nature. Look for things you might have missed before.
Day 2: After night falls, spend a few moments looking at the stars and the moon.
Day 3: Start your day by listening to some of your favorite worship music.
Day 4: Take five minutes sometime today to sit outside in silence.
Day 5: All this week, as you’ve been outside, you’ve had the opportunity to worship God along with creation. Now, it’s your turn to spread the glory of God. Think of someone you can “declare the glory of God” to. Then pray for this person and ask God to provide an opportunity for you to share your heart with him/her.
I enjoyed this lesson. I have always been puzzled as to how some people that I think would find excitement in our amazing world and would believe in our awesome creator have a cold heart when it comes to our God. His word tells us how He did it all yet scientists are still looking for answers. How can such perfection come from the chaos of a “big bang”. It can only come from our perfect Lord Almighty. Thanks and praise be to Him.