Please welcome our guest blogger Mary Boswell. Mary blogs regularly at The Calm of His Presence. Look for Mary’s bio at the end of the post.
Slowly, with her shoulders slumped from the weight of her reputation and the words of those who shunned her – the woman walked to the well. She was lonely, an outcast with no friends. The only ones who welcomed her company were men who wanted to use her then discard her.
But that day, as she sought relief from thirst, she met a man who didn’t care what kind of reputation she had – he was a man who wanted to meet her deepest need.
As the Samaritan woman walked up to the well Jesus said to her, “Will you give me a drink?”
I wonder, does she think, “Is this man really talking to me?”
She responded, “You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?” In those days Jews didn’t associate with Samaritans.
But Jesus persisted, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water. … Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”
How wonderful, she thought. “He will give me water and I won’t have to come to this well in the heat of the day trying to avoid the stares and whispers of others.”
But Jesus desired to meet her on a deeper level. He asked personal questions – letting her know that he knew of her multiple husbands and present adulterous relationship.
Squirming, she changed the subject as Jesus revealed the most painful parts of her life. Her hope was to distract him with other questions.
Through this conversation the woman revealed that she knew the Messiah was coming – not realizing that this man was Jesus. But, she soon learned that she was in a divine appointment with the Messiah.
Then Jesus declared, “I who speak to you am he.”
Just like Jesus wanted to know and fill the deepest needs of the Samaritan woman (John 4:1-26), He also wants to know and fill your deepest needs.
Are you like the Samaritan woman, lonely and an outcast? Do you struggle with feelings of insecurity and doubt? Do you seek acceptance and reassurance from the world? Have you made mistakes but have a hard time forgiving yourself?
Jesus desires to give you His source of living water. He knows your deepest needs. Through him you will never be alone. Through Him you will always be accepted. He will give you security and confidence in Him. And He will give you true forgiveness found only in the Cross.
So sweet friend will you come to the well? Your divine appointment with Jesus is waiting.
Mary Boswell is a wife, mom & daughter of her Heavenly Father. As a former Critical Care Nurse & mom to 2 lively, active children she knows what its like to be in a chaotic, unpredictable environment. God has carried her through several difficult, life changing trials but through each one she as leaned on the arms of God. You can find Mary at her blog The Calm of His Presence where she seeks to live in God’s calming presence.
Mary, thank you for sharing with us today! This is one of my favorite Jesus stories!
Thanks Kathy. It has been my pleasure. I love this story and how we can have Divine Appointments with God anytime of the day!
Oh, to always be accepted, known and still loved. What a beautiful, grace-filled gift God gives, isn’t it? Great job getting to the heart of this gift, Mary. Thanks for visiting with us!
Thank you Caroline. So many times we as women just need to know that we are accepted, known and loved unconditionally. This story is the perfect example.
What a wonderful story to share. We all want to be loved and accepted, All we need to do is look to Jesus and all the love and accepted we could ever need is there. I needed this reminder today. Thanks!
Ruth, so glad it was able to minister to you today!
I love this Mary and love having you here on Do Not Depart. This is one of those stories that is almost so familiar we can miss the treasures within it, but you’ve helped me think of it in a fresh way.
Thanks so much Julie. I loved visiting with you all. I’m glad I was able to help you see it in a fresh way. Take care my friend.