This post is the Devotional version of the study intro. You can also access the Quick Study (2 page version) of today’s lesson in a PDF. If you want to do the Full Study you can purchase the book on Amazon or CBD.
Like the wind, we can’t see the Holy Spirit, but we can feel His power and see the effects. If you are a Christian, the Holy Spirit dwells inside you. His powerful presence is a gift from the Father. The Spirit equips and enables us to live the life God has purposed for us. And that includes standing firm through the storms of life.
Unshakeable Faith Trait Five: Living by the Power of the Indwelling Holy Spirit
On the night Jesus was betrayed, Peter fell to temptation. He couldn’t stand firm in his own strength. He needed the power of the Holy Spirit that Jesus promised would come. Ten days after Jesus’ ascension the promise was fulfilled!
Read Acts 2:1-8. How is the Holy Spirit’s arrival described in verses 2-3? How did He demonstrate His power in the believers?
Read Acts 2:14, 36-41. What difference do you see in Peter compared to the night Jesus was arrested?
Before the Holy Spirit came, Peter was willing in spirit, but weak in his flesh. He deserted and denied Jesus. Fifty days later Peter stood in front of a crowd of thousands and boldly proclaimed Jesus. He called the people to repentance. The Holy Spirit had transformed Simon the fisherman into Peter the rock!
Weak Peter learned that the Spirit of Jesus within him was strong. And he did not fail to teach others what he had learned.
Read 2 Peter 1:3-4. According to verse 3, what has “His divine power” (the Holy Spirit) given us?
When God asks us to serve Him, the Holy Spirit equips us for the task. When God allows trials in our lives, the Spirit gives us the strength to endure. The Holy Spirit is God’s presence and power within us!
Peter recognized that God, through His Spirit, gives believers everything we need to live the life God wants us to live. Whatever our circumstances, physical weaknesses, limited material resources, or emotional needs, God will supply. The Holy Spirit even gives us everything we need to escape our selfish, evil desires and act like Jesus.
In what current life situations do you need a fresh encounter with the Spirit of God? It might be a trial, temptation, or a call to an overwhelming task.
Personally, this has been an hard lesson. It raised the question: Do I have the Holy Spirit in me? If not…what? Definitely things to think through and pray about……
I remember once a pastor told us in a sermon that those who are saved are fearful of their salvation. What I mean is, that you should question your faith. If you do not and are so cocky about your faith then you may have something to worry about. I like that. Can’t you imagine Peter questioning his faith at different times? I’m sure he thought, “What is wrong with me Lord? Where is my faith and why do I keep failing?” Our current pastor keeps reminding us that we are in a process of refining. Someday I hope to be refined. Now, believe me I say these things, but my faith struggles all the time.
Darcey, thanks for that testimony!
Carol, we humans sometimes depend too much on our feelings. If we know we have accepted Christ’s salvation and given Him our life, then we can know we have the Holy Spirit because God’s Word says we do. Confirm your salvation with God then begin to watch and listen for evidence of the Holy Spirit’s presence.