What are your valuables? How do you protect them?
How do you protect your most precious treasure—your relationship with God—against temptations to destroy it?
Jesus told Peter to “Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak” (Mark 14:38).
In what practical ways can we do that?
[Click here if you can’t see the video above]
What is one of your weak spots? How do you guard against it? Please share.
Nice job, Lisa. I like that, H.A.L.T. I’ll be using that one! If my wife waited on me to grill, we’d all starve! Yeah, I’m not much of a chef… My little one and I cooked dinner a couple years ago… my wife won’t let us cook anymore…
The H.A.L.T. thing really is quite helpful to remind me to guard against common sources of weak spots. But the H (hungry) and T (tired) still catch me too often.
Messing up a dinner so you don’t get asked to cook any more, eh? ha. Thankfully Jeff is quite a grill-meister at our house. I should always be grateful, regardless of what time supper is ready.
No! I didn’t mess up on purpose! We really tried! I think I may have scarred my daughter for life over cooking! She hasn’t tried since.
Your daughter can always learn on her husband. That’s what a lot of us did.
Good job, Lisa! The ladies’ BIble study group I’m in is working through Beth Moore’s “When Godly People Do Ungodly Things” this fall. Your words here overlap with some of the things we’ve talked about. Bringing in the HALT guideline is helpful, and I appreciated your personal example.
God bless your weekend, friend.
Thanks, Christina. Sounds like a good study. The ladies I meet with on Wednesday nights talked this week about sins that hold us bondage. Not very easy stuff to deal with, but thankfully we all have the victory in Jesus.
Praying you have a blessed weekend, too.
Love this! I really like the acronym HALT. It really is something to remember. Thank you so much for the reminder and ideas on how to stay alert.
I hope it will be helpful, Darcey. I like things that are easy to remember.
Lisa, thanks for the practical advice!
You’re welcome, Kathy. Thanks for writing the chapter! I’m getting so much from my time studying through your book.
Good job, Lisa! I had never heard that acronym before, but it is helpful. Even just the idea of staying alert is helpful — I tend to float through the day and get caught unaware by temptation far too often.
Remembering to stay aware is often one of the hardest things to do, but one of the most helpful for me. I just have to remember to remember. ha.
I really enjoyed that thank you. I live in such a way these days that Satan comes in there and as a niggle whenever he can but then the Spirit whispers no, stop, don’t do that, don’t say that and then i remember to not be so grouchy.
It is good that you listen to the Spirit, Beverley–He will always lead us in the right way. I want to continue to grow in my listening skills, too, so I can hear even the tiniest whisper. Have a blessed Sunday.
We could add another H to the HALT – hormonal (since we have 2 A’s, why not?). Being alert to my body’s calendar helps me realize that if this same situation was happening 2 weeks from now, it wouldn’t be a big deal. This awareness keeps things in perspective and prevents that surge of emotion from taking over. It’s such a blessing that we don’t have to be slaves to our fleshy impulses and weaknesses. He’s filled us with all the fullness of the deity!
Great addition, Kim. Hormones definitely can affect us (and everyone in the house, ha). Speaking of which, maybe we should add another A for Adolescence? :)
No longer slaves to the flesh–amen! It’s grace unexplainable to have the deity dwell in us.
Such great practical suggestions Lisa! I had not heard the HALT acronym before. Brother Lawrence is one of my favorites! Plus I loved listening to your sweet voice. :-)
We do have a variety of accents among the writing team of Do Not Depart. :-)
Glad you like Brother Lawrence too–isn’t he inspiring? Whenever I feel underwhelmed with the mundaneness of my “work”, I can read his writings and be reminded that even the tiniest things done with God are valuable to him.