What image does the word conjure up for you? Perhaps you imagine a white flag waving or hands raised high in the air.
We sing about surrender in church, but do we really practice it? What does it even mean to “surrender all?”
The verb “surrender” means “to give oneself up, as into the power of another; submit or yield.”
I don’t know about you, but I like to be my own boss, make my own decisions, and choose my own way. Giving up control is just plain hard.
Seems silly though doesn’t it? Our God knows everything, has all power, and in reality is in control of everything. “Surrendering” is simply acknowledging and yielding to the authority He already possesses. Besides, He loves me and wants what’s best for me. Oh, so simple. Yet hard to do because of my stubborn, selfish nature.
Through the month of April, we will be exploring what surrender looks like in the day-to-day life of a believer. We want to look at the biblical truth and apply it practically to our lives. Our theme Scripture is Galatians 2:20, a verse God has been pressing into my heart and mind for the last decade.
I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.
Surrender. We usually view surrender as something negative. But surrender to Christ is sweet release. Surrender means no more striving or fighting. Just simple submission to God’s best for your life. In surrender you find the satisfaction, fulfillment, and abundance Christ promises.
Will you come out with your hands up in surrender? What is holding you back?
It`s hard to surrender, because in human terms we see it as being captured, becoming a prisoner of war, losing. As you say Kathy, we like to be our own boss, make our own decisions.
It`s very hard to let go, let Him “win”…..let Him be in control. I think I’ll be fighting this all my life…..