He means for His Word to spill from our hands and lips into our homes and neighborhoods and world. If what I read isn’t affecting how I treat my family or what I say to the grocery store clerk, then I’m missing the point of it all. His Word is meant to be applied. It’s meant to overflow.
But so often we don’t apply. Instead we close our Bibles and proceed through life unchanged and ineffective. We feel defeated at every turn. The promise is abundant living in Christ, with His Word given as our nourishment for the journey, yet we walk worn and burdened.
…Things may try to hinder us from applying His Word to our lives, but God is bigger. No wound, no stronghold, no sin, no daily frustration can trump our God. He never looks at a soul and says, “This one’s impossible.” Christ died to give each of us freedom. We can live the abundant life. In fact, abundant living is rightfully ours in Him.
—Lara Williams and Katie Orr, Savoring Living Water
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For the month of December we are sharing posts and quotes to help us escape the Cycle of Try Harder, through Believing Better.

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