The news from 2011 will reflect a wave of uprisings washing across Europe and the Middle East, crashing onto cities like London, Jerusalem, Cairo, and Athens. With an election year in the United States, voices of discontent call out and seek a champion for change. The port of Oakland, California was shut down Monday, Dec. 12 due to protests related to the Occupy Wall St/Oakland/Portland/… Movement. Mankind has always sought rulers to lead well, measuring success in peace, prosperity, and power. As Israel awaited her prophesied Messiah’s coming, it was no different. They looked for a king to break the bondage of Rome and restore the glory days of earthly man-kings like Solomon and David. They weren’t looking for a Jesus.

Jesus was not your average king, and yet Hecame to be King and bring even more than Israel asked for. He came to bring truth. He came to be “a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to your people Israel” (Lk. 2:32).
Word that the King of the Jews had been born somehow trickled down to all ears, despite the absence of YouTube and Twitter. Herod wanted to know where the reported king was, because a Jewish King was a threat to the heavy hand and unbending control of Rome. To the people of Israel, however, His coming meant a glimmer of hope.
After the arrest of Jesus, Pilate drilled the question at Him that all wanted to know: “Are you king of the Jews?” (John 18:33-37) The King himself said His kingdom is “not of this world;” He did not come for earthly dominion … yet. His kingship is spiritual, and He will ultimately bring all things under His rule. He was not arriving to bring a reign of immediate prosperity or even peace; He was coming for much greater riches than that. “For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world— to bear witness to the truth” (John 18:37).
Jesus was not your average king. He WAS born to reign, but not merely over things like economies and governments. When Herod searched for Him and Pilate questioned Him, He was no threat to their immediate future. And when some people followed and some people mocked, there was no question He would reign over their eternity.
He was born to reign, but not as they expected. He is the Son of God who will sit on the throne of David to reign forever, with no end to His kingdom (Luke 2:32-33). Jesus came to be King and bring the truth.
So who will reign over the governments of Europe and the Middle East and Asia and the United States in unsettled cities in 2012? No one knows. Men await rulers to free them, bring peace, and create prosperity.
Let’s not be so consumed with looking for “average kings” to make our “here and now” what we want that we miss the One who came to rule and reign.
- – Are you living like Jesus is the King of your life? Do you know the truth He came to bring?
- – We can all start a campaign in our hearts for “Occupy ME!”
Julie, thanks for this post today. It is so relevant! And I love this: “Occupy Me!”