According to a December 2008 poll by the Pew Forum, 52% of Americans who call themselves Christians believe that at least some non-Christian faiths can lead to eternal life. Did you catch that? Let me say it a different way: A majority of American “Christians” believes that you can make it to heaven without Jesus. Does that shock and sadden you? If not, it should. (Read the full Pew Forum report here.)
Do you know what God teaches about salvation? About how you can know Him? Do you know why you believe what you believe? The poll I mentioned above clearly shows that many Christians do not. Our culture – and sadly even our churches – has watered down God’s Truth to make it politically correct and socially acceptable. In fact, one of the most well-known preachers in the southern US says he does not use the word “sin” in his church because it makes people feel bad.
Believers, we must know the Truth so we can stand firm in it. We must ground ourselves in God’s Word so we will not be swayed by the winds of society. And we must “always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have” (1 Peter 3:15). Their eternal future depends on it.
The Scripture Dig team has dedicated the month of September to “Salvation.” Many of you may have known these truths your entire lives. But come dig deeper into those truths with us. Here are a few of the topics we will cover:
- What is sin? And what is the result?
- What is God’s heart for sinners?
- What does not save you?
- Is Jesus the only way?
- Why the cross?
- Why the cross is not enough? (Or, The Power of the Resurrection)
We will also share our testimony stories with you and give you a chance to share yours with us. I am so excited to talk about the Gospel here on Scripture Dig. What could be more important?
To get our theme started, let’s talk a bit today about misconceptions. What are some things many people believe about salvation that do not line up with what Scripture says?
Couple of quick resources:
“What Christians believe” – brief overview of basic, core beliefs of Christianity. Includes Scripture references for the nature of God, the Bible, Jesus, salvation, and eternity.
“How to know Jesus” – if you have never entered into a personal, saving relationship with Jesus you can do that right now!