Offer your presence through prayer. You’ll connect more with others and plug in to God’s presence, too.
“Seek the LORD and his strength; seek his presence continually!”
1 Chronicles 16:11
Under the Surface
We walked together past the tables of free food, putting this or that in her cart, depending on what she needed. Small talk. Smiles. Casual friendship.
Until the car. We loaded her groceries in the trunk and I asked Betty how I could pray for her. This is the moment it usually happens. This is when people get real. Get personal. Get serious.
Tears bubbled up in Betty’s eyes. And she told me about her daughter. She was back on the streets. Betty didn’t know where. Her heart was breaking. She wanted prayers.
What do we want God to do? This question connects us to each other.
Whose Face Pops Up?
As we each prepare for Christmas, ironically we can get disconnected from God, from each other. The distractions, the lack of time, the lack of energy can break the very bonds that we want to strengthen.
There’s not enough, we think.
But those very cords—the fraying ones with tattered ends that don’t seem enough—are often the ones God uses to draw us in closer. Because of our needs, we pull together.
Close your eyes. Does a face pop up in your mind’s vision? A name? Can you see the image of God stamped on this person, looking back at you?
When the grungy shepherds first came upon baby Jesus’s face that night long ago, did they see God in His tiny eyes? When they praised God for this miracle, did they feel empowered? (Read Luke 2:8-20)
To reconnect with others and with God this Christmas, let’s look for Jesus in every set of eyes we meet. His presence is everywhere we are.
Really see others these next few weeks. Listen to them. Talk with them. And when you can, ask what they need prayers for. When you find out their God-needs, you’ll often find God Himself rising up in you to connect with them.
“The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.”
Psalm 145:18
When we plug in more fully with others, we become more present to the power of God ourselves. The portion of God in them combines with the portion of God in us. His glory is reflected brighter through our unity. (Read John 17:21-23)
In His Presence
After Betty and I prayed together that Saturday morning, we were bonded. Even though I haven’t seen her again, I think about her. And I think about her daughter.
I watch in my circles of ministry for a daughter who is distressed and who has a mom named Betty.
We never know how or when God will place people in our paths when we are praying for them.
Just as His presence is ever with us, He can put us in the presence of other people when we least expect it.
Use this guide to record whose presence you see this week. Write down names and scriptures as they come to mind. Pray for God’s presence to be visible in their lives as He is in yours.
Additionally, you can print and give away these scriptures from our “A Verse a Day–Personalized Gift Version” article. Tuck these verses inside Christmas cards or on coffee counters or in waiting rooms to remind others that God has come.
And to remind others that God is still here. His presence is always a present.
“Never stop praying, especially for others. Always pray by the power of the Spirit. Stay alert and keep praying for God’s people.”
Ephesians 6:18 (CEV)
Whose face is popping up in your mind? Do you know what to pray for them? Please share in the comments.
Whose face? I don’t know what they look like, but there are three women on my heart. Christy, a 30-something wife and mother who needs a bone marrow transplant to address her easily-cured leukemia, but they can’t find a match for her Native American genetics. Julie, a recently married young woman who experienced complications last week after a routine surgery and is fighting for her life. Her friends are praying for a Christmas miracle. And then there’s Marty, a single mother of three teenagers recently diagnosed with incurable Stage 4 cancer. I may get to see her face soon; a mutual friend will introduce us if Marty needs help with Christmas gifts for the children. I’d love to play Secret Santa! In the meantime, I heed your words to be ever-vigilant in praying for those around me whose faces I see (but whose names and stories I may not know). Stopping to ask how I may pray when God opens doors is an easy gift to give, isn’t it. Thanks for this!
These three women are blessed to have you praying for them, Susan. My prayers are joining yours right now for them, even though I see no faces. The Lord knows. They each have such unique and urgent needs. Thank you for bringing them before the Lord and before us. His presence is the best place for them and for us to be. I appreciate your heart for others!
Love the Guide and the Verse a Day as tools to lead us into seeing and being in God’s presence. I agree that one of the best gifts we can give others is to ask, “What can I be praying for you?” It gives us a glimpse into their heart and what’s really going on there. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve asked people that and they are simply taken back by the fact that someone truly cares what’s on their heart. Carrying their concerns to God then ushers us into His presence. It’s a win-win!
Christmas blessings to you,
Bev xx
Yes, it is definitely a win-win! It is such an honor when people trust us with their needs, and it is humbling for us to share our needs with them. Thanks for sharing your insights on this topic, Bev. Praying for each other is such an important part of our Christian walk.
Thanks for sharing this sad, but effective story to motivate me to be the person God’s calling me to be, not only this time of year, but year round and life long.
People are hurting more this time of year. And it is in those down moments that we can draw closer to our Maker.
I think you’re right, Floyd: people often are hurting more at Christmas, or at least are more aware of the pain they’ve been carrying. It’s such an important time for us to share the Light of hope. So thankful we know Him!
Such a moving and wonderful post.
It does seem that we have gotten too worked up about the silly things around the holidays. And this is the perfect reminder…
Yes, Jodie, those silly things waste our energy (and often our money) at a time when we want to be focused most on the better things. May you and your family have a Merry Christmas!