We hope you’ve enjoyed spending time in The Beatitudes with us this month! Focusing on the blessings that come with believing is a true gift. Remember, The Beatitudes are for each of us. Like I mentioned in the introduction to the series:
“Each beatitude lists a simple promise of blessing and the following result for those who have chosen to answer His call of invitation to enter into His Kingdom. …the more we know of Him, the more blessed we’ll be!”
We looked at several beatitudes this month.

Series Wrap Up
Jaime expounds on the blessing of peace and how true peace comes from belonging to God. God’s peace flows from His character and defines His kingdom and His children! I’m so thankful for the peace that passes all understanding! It’s an incredible blessing offered to us all!
— How can our mourning be blessed? Lisa tells us in her post. I love these lines: “Christ lives in us so Hope lives with us. In our mourning, regardless of its source—whether it’s from a tragedy unfolding in front of us or from a sin we can’t beat down or from someone else’s poor decisions—Hope won’t abandon us.”
— Alyssa looks intently at how hungering for the righteousness of God is a blessing. She reminds us that the way to find righteousness is not through works or deeds, but through Christ! She says, “Those who hunger and thirst for righteous will be satisfied. And the way to seek righteousness is to seek Jesus in faith.”
— What exactly is mercy? Why should we (and how can we) show it? I examine these questions in my post regarding Jesus’ words, “Blessed are the merciful.” As Christians, it’s our duty is to follow in Jesus’ steps and imitate and reflect His nature to those around us. When we obey God’s call to live like His Son, He extends blessings to us.
— Patti reminds us that the pure in heart are blessed indeed! She tells us, “It is only through Jesus that you and I can be cleansed in our innermost being. All our hope is in Him! …When Jesus dwells within us, we see His transforming power, and His beautiful life-giving work. He blesses us by allowing us to participate in that work! Cleansed hearts are hearts that are able to truly love.”
Want to Study More?
If you’d like to study the Beatitudes further, consider these resources:
The Beatitudes by A.W. Pink – This book is very old, but still relevant today. A.W. Pink explains that The Beatitudes shouldn’t be viewed individually, but rather as a whole and as a progression in the life of a maturing Believer.
Heirs of the King: Living the Beatitudes by Warren Wiersbe – Of this book, Amazon says, “This inspiring study of the Beatitudes shows how to reign over ego, power, and appetite. With the help of the Holy Spirit, the believer can live like a king.”
The Beatitudes by Charles H. Spurgeon – Another old book by a trusted author. Spurgeon tells us book that explores The Beatitudes and looks at the ways God blesses us when we come as we are.
Guest Post
Do you know what a “Zacchaeus Moment” is? Kelly R. Baker explains in her guest post. Kelly is a gifted writer and we were excited to have her join us this month. And friends, I don’t think I’ll look at the story of Zacchaeus quite the same way after reading her perspective!
She says, “Do you need a customized moment with Jesus? If you’re desperate for Him, you will pursue plan B like a squirrel looking for the last nut on earth. Sometimes your plan B will be an unconventional one. What figurative tree do you need to climb so you can see Jesus without obstruction?” (Click to read more.)
Again, thanks for joining us for our beatitudes series. What beatitude resonates most with you and why? Share in the comments or in our Facebook community group!
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