As lights are dimmed, the candles glow amid beautiful Christmas greenery. Equally beautiful are outfits of red and green with accents of gold and silver. Together with Christmas music the backdrop for a Christmas Tea is complete.
It looks like Christmas. It sounds like Christmas.

From savory hors d’oeurvres and holiday treats, aromas overtake the senses. One bite transports a person to a Christmas memory from long ago.
It smells like Christmas. It tastes like Christmas.

Fellowship in the form of encouraging words, shared memories, and warm hugs envelopes the room.
It feels like Christmas.
Before the Christmas Tea ends, our attention focuses on The Word Made Flesh:
The ONE who saves us from sin and death.
The Messiah who frees us from every entanglement.
God who is “with us” and in us.
This is Christmas.
You are invited to join Do Not Depart for a virtual Christmas Tea throughout the month of December. Inspired by recipes of Christmases past each contributor will share a Christmas memory and a message from God’s Word. We will even share the recipe that inspires the post, like we would share a recipe at a Christmas Tea.
It is my prayer that you will know the hope, peace, joy, and love of God throughout the Christmas season. Join us as we gather at the blog to celebrate the birth and presence of Jesus Christ, Emmanuel.
I’ve been listening to this Spotify list. Love it.
So glad you have enjoyed it. Merry Christmas!