This month we’re doing a series called Leading Effectively. If you’re in Christian ministry, or feel called to it, remember that we should be giving from the overflow. This post offers encouragement to do that and a printable tool to help guide your personal quiet time.
When my daughters were very little girls and I was a busy young momma, I remember noticing for the first time that in order to feed my children well, I also needed to be fed. Some days went by in such a blur I only realized by dinner time that I hadn’t had a chance to sit down and eat a nutritious meal. I had little energy left to to make my family their dinner! I learned an important life lesson: to feed others well, I needed to invest in feeding myself first.
Leading other women is somewhat similar. Before we can spiritually “feed”, or pour into the souls of other women, we need to make sure that our souls are being fed. Then, we can give from our overflow and not be drained.
“Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in me he is thrown away like a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire, and burned. If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples.” (John 15:4-8)
“…you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.” (Psalm 23:5b)
Jesus tells us to abide in Him. Through that abiding, we can bear fruit and glorify God. Through relationship with Him, being shepherded by Him, our cup can overflow and we can fulfill what He’s called us to do.

To Feed, You Must Be Fed
Without being renewed and filled by the Lord each day, we will run out of steam when we try to serve or lead others.
Jesus was often alone with God, seeking His presence and will. Through His time in prayer and solitude, Jesus was able to live His life and ministry with passion!
Jesus taught His disciples this same principle. He often drew them away for time alone with Him. This is when He taught them important lessons and prepared them for the things that were to come. Time with Jesus prepared them in their walks.
Time spent listening to the sweet voice of our Lord will develop good listening skills in us and help us to really hear other women.
If Jesus and His disciples needed time alone with God to serve and walk in passion with preparation, so do we.
Expand Your Biblical “Horizons”
Sometimes, when we’re in leadership mode, we need the reminder to read and study things outside of what we’re teaching. Expanding our Biblical horizons now, so to speak, can prepare us later. Being filled with the word results in a powerful overflow!
I’m sometimes surprised when God uses something that I thought I was studying for myself to benefit others. God often does that, though. He glorifies Himself, using what He’s taught us, before others. Studying the Word broadly, outside of the lesson we need to present, can bear beautiful fruit for His Kingdom.
The Bible is so connected. No part is completely separate from another. Personal study broadens both our head and heart knowledge and can be used by God as we lead. Though we can never know it all, nor teach it all, knowing some of its connection from one part to another will serve us well in leadership.
Share From Your Experiences
Time spent drawing near God and being “fed” by Him deepens our relationship with the Lord. While this serves us well personally, it also serves us in leading. It allows us to have a testimony and experience to share.
God calls us to glorify Him. We can do this by letting others know what He’s doing in our lives. Let’s pray that God will open our eyes to seeing His work in our daily life, hobbies, and work. Our experiences are what help us connect with other women. While following a good curriculum is important, leading a great small group isn’t only about books. Women want and need to connect.
Prevent Burnout
Remember how I said “to feed, you must be fed?” And, “Without being renewed and filled by the Lord each day, we will run out of steam when we try to serve or lead others?”
Whether it’s leading women in ministry or giving your all at work and/or home, a life of service can be draining. Giving can feel endless. Serving without renewal is a little like pouring and not refilling a pitcher of water. Without being replenished, the once cold water loses its coolness, then becomes warm, and finally empties. And whether you’re the one pouring or the thirsty one, an empty pitcher is a major problem.
Coming to God through prayer and worship to be refilled prevents burnout. He combats our fears. He speaks truths and promises into our hearts for us to hear above the noise around us. Our souls are revived in His presence!
I’ve watched people try to give and serve with the right motive but from a dry place. The daily grind usually grinds to a stop and what’s left is a hurt person. Drawing deeply, daily, from our well (His name is Jesus), goes a long, long way to preventing this type of burnout.
Our souls need to rest in Him and take His easy yoke. (See Matthew 11:28-30)
Enjoy God
When we seek God and enjoy our time spent with Him we are refilled enough to share from our overflow. Without being filled in the first place, there is no overflow! And that filling? That’s for us. That’s our opportunity to be in God’s presence, to let Him work on us, and to ask Him, “what are you saying to me, Father? How can I best glorify you?”
And He will answer and fill us!
“He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.” (Psalm 23:3)
“Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day.” (2 Corinthians 4:16)
I’ve made two worksheets for you. One is a Bible study worksheet to help you “give from your overflow.”
The other is a list of verses for you to meditate on when you need some fresh encouragement from the Word. Enjoy!
How has God reminded you that you need to be refilled? What do you do when you need more of Him before you serve others?
God Bless you!
This is so right on time for me. I am just beginning to lead a support group for mom’s with differently able children. God has been downloading so many wonderful ideas into me. This encouragemt will certain keep me on track. Looking forward to growing even more through your devotionals!
I’m so glad to hear that you’ve found helpful encouragement here! Praying for you in your new ministry role, Sabrina. Blessings!
Love this… been leading bible study for 8 years.. so need this.
I’m so glad you enjoyed this! God is so good to supply what we need, when we need it, isn’t He? Blessings!