May I just begin by saying I am not a biblical scholar nor a theologian? I confess that when Sandra sent out the list of topics for this month my first response was, “I am not qualified to write about a single one of these!” I finally asked for the simplest ones … and even with these “easy” doctrinal issues, I still feel in way over my head.
So, if you were tempted to skip this month on Scripture Dig, I can totally understand why! It seems overwhelming to contemplate “doctrine.” But, please don’t miss these posts! We want to give you (me!) some basic understanding of what can be complex ideas and, as Sandra explained so well yesterday – our doctrine affects everything else we do.
Our doctrine for today is … inerrancy.
You might have heard this word in sermons. I grew up hearing a pithy sound bite concerning the accuracy of God’s Word, “God said it. I believe it. That settles it.” However, that overused statement is actually two sentences too long. Inerrancy is rooted in one simple truth: God said it.
Inerrancy: Free from error; infallible. {}
Regarding Scriptural inerrancy I found this definition most understandable:
By this word we mean that the Scriptures possess the quality of freedom from error. They are exempt from the liability to mistake, incapable of error. In all their teachings they are in perfect accord with the truth. {E. J. Young, Thy Word is Truth, 113}
The apostle Paul explains this idea to Timothy this way:
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness. {2 Timothy 3:16, ESV emphasis added}
Quite simply, the inerrancy of the Bible is the solid foundation for all our other doctrines. That God’s Word is breathed out by Him, entirely inspired by Him, is absolutely necessary! If the accuracy of the Bible is in question, then beliefs such as redemption, salvation, holiness of God, the Trinity … all of the other doctrines we espouse are rooted in error.
Our first doctrine must be that God’s Word, our Bible, is entirely true, free from error … breathed out and inspired by Him and brought to us through His power.
What is your understanding of biblical inerrancy and why do you think it does or doesn’t matter?
Recommended Reading:
What Does It Mean that the Bible is Inerrant, or without Error?
Does God Really Say to Stone our Kids?
Scripture Dig posts on Bible Basics
you did a great job explaining it! Sometimes we try to make things more complex then they are….
I believe the Bible to be the foundation for all other beliefs…breathed by God..infallible…and an amazing gift!
I also believe that if we seek His face and desire to know His truths He will give us understanding.He wants us to understand His word!
Thank you, Holly! And you are right … we do often make things far more complicated than they should be.
Because the Bible is inerrant, it becomes the foundation on which all other beliefs in my life must be built. No matter what the current trends in science are or the newest psycho-babble coming from popular magazines espouse, the Word of God must be my plumb line. Sometimes I let my guard down when reading “Christian” works, but even then I am to be as the Bereans (Act 17:11) who measured Paul’s words against God’s Word. Great encouragement, Teri Lynne.
Thank you, Natalie! And so true that we must measure all things against the Word – even “Christian” works.
Agreeing completely!! We do need to check what we’re taught, against the Word to be sure it’s accurate! Great Word for today, thx so much for sharing
Because of so many people have been taught wrong concerning the bible for man has given his own doctrine many people have fallen prey to it. That is why we must always read the bible for ourselves never take anyone word for truth until you have searched the scriptures for yourself.
God calls man but man don’t always do what God calls him to do.
Thanks Teri Lynne for getting us off to a great start. You are so right! “The inerrancy of the Bible is the solid foundation for all our other doctrines.” I am excited about this month at Scripture Dig!
Me too, Kathy!
Everything hinges on whether or not we know it’s all true. If a piece wasn’t true, it would taint the whole, but we can trust every Word in knowing it’s all God breathed. Great place to get us started!
And I am so thankful that every word is true, aren’t you, Julie? There is unspeakable comfort and confidence in this ever-changing world to rest in the never-changing Word.
I think you make a great point here: “‘God said it. I believe it. That settles it.’ However, that overused statement is actually two sentences too long. Inerrancy is rooted in one simple truth: God said it. ”
Just because someone doesn’t believe doesn’t make the Word any less true.
Very excited about studying with you all!
Yes, yes, yes! Our belief in God’s truth doesn’t change it’s truth at all!