John Piper writes, “Wimpy theology makes wimpy women.” Because we here at Scripture Dig agree with him, we’re tackling a deep topic this month–doctrine.
Even though you may not use the word “doctrine” every day, your doctrine affects you every day. Your doctrine of Scripture is evident when you spend time in His Word. Your doctrine of church is obvious when you make it a priority to join with fellow believers each week. Your doctrine of grace flows from your lips when you discipline your children or interact with your coworkers. Your doctrine matters.
In February we will be discussing the doctrines of God, the Bible, Christ, the Holy Spirit, humanity, and salvation. We’ve titled this study “So What Doctrines.” We want to show how what you believe is evident in what you do, say, believe, and how you act.
We want to be faithful to the command Paul gave Timothy, “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, as a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15).
We, friends, are theologians. We study God. We study doctrine. We are not wimpy women. We hope you will join us this month as we continue to dig deeper, think through our beliefs, and fall deeper in love with God our Father.
So excited about this, Sandra! I’m looking forward to learning and digging deep into these important subjects … and know I’ll to study much to write my posts!! :)
I like how you all are clearing the “too harsh” or “too complicated” tone away from the word “doctrine.”
Wow, two awesome, deep, totally-not-wimpy (hah!) series back-to-back… exciting! Thank you all for your hearts for God.
I just loved last months study on the disciplines and now we are going to be digging into doctrine. Living up to the name girls. :)
Looking forward to digging in this month with you all.
I love it! We are not wimpy women!!! We are indeed women of the Word. And that makes us powerful in Him!