Have you ever felt alone? Vulnerable? Just one woman lost in a crowd of faces. Unknown and nameless.
The month of October we’ve explored six women in the Gospels that the writers left unnamed. Six women in need. Seven women who encountered Jesus and would never be the same.
Their stories give us hope. We’re reminded that no matter how small we feel Jesus sees us and knows us. No matter how great – or small – our need, Jesus cares and is able and willing to provide.
- Maybe like the woman who had been crippled for 18 years you need freedom from some physical prison.
- Maybe like the widow from Nain you are overwhelmed with grief and loss.
- Maybe like the poor widow you’re down to your last penny.
- Maybe like the Canaanite woman you have a desperately sick child.
- Maybe like the woman caught in adultery you need forgiveness and restoration.
- Maybe like the woman at the well you’re an outcast in need of redemption.
- Maybe like the woman with the issue of blood you’re desperate, without hope.
Jesus showed unconditional love to all these women. He miraculously met their needs beyond their wildest expectations.
He is able to do the same in your life. Come to Him today. Reach out in faith.
He knows your name.
Such a comfort to know that He knows my name, that He has me securely in His hand, that He hides me under His wing, especially in the times of need.
Dianna, I love too that God gave us so many examples in His Word of Jesus’ love and compassion for these women in need. It builds my faith and trust in Him!
This was a wonderful series, … but you missed both of my favourites!! I’ve written about one of them on my blog here: http://lukesgospel739.wordpress.com/2013/11/20/another-nameless-woman/