This post is the Devotional version of the study intro. You can also access the Quick Study (2 page version) of today’s lesson in a PDF. If you want to do the Full Study you can purchase the book on Amazon or CBD.
When I was in high school, a social slight felt like the end of the world. Now I know that rejection can be much more serious and hurtful than not getting asked to the senior prom. A departure of a spouse, a job layoff, or a broken friendship can make us feel unloved and discarded.
No matter how much rejection you may have faced in your life, never forget that God will never reject you. In fact, if you are a Christian – if you have entered into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ – it’s because God chose you! (Here’s more about how to have a saving relationship with Jesus.) Have you ever taken a moment to dwell on the incredible truth that God chose you?
Unshakeable Faith Trait One:
He Picked Me! – Secure in the God Who Loves and Chooses
Read Ephesians 1:4-5 from the New Living Translation below and note the words that describe God’s action on your behalf.
Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes. God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure. Ephesians 1:4-5, NLT
How did God feel about doing this for you? How does it feel to be chosen by God for salvation and adopted into His family?
Believer, God chose you before the creation of the world. He picked you out for His very own, before you were even born. He saved you for a purpose: “to be holy and without fault (Eph 1:4).” You were chosen by God, saved by the blood of Jesus, and now the Holy Spirit is working in your life to transform into Christ’s holy likeness. God wants to grow your faith from shaky to unshakeable!
Let’s talk: What situation are you facing right now in which you need to remember that God loves you and has chosen you?
I know what you are saying is true, but it seems so empty, just words that I know. Do any of you feel like the day to day living is just drawing you away from a true relationship with Christ? Every time I go to read the bible my mind wanders to what I need to do today, or when I try to pray, my kids or husband ask me a question or need me. It is like Satan is saying, ha ha, I got you again. I have quiet time in the morning, but what i read is gone by the time I get downstairs to get everyone ready for the day. There have been moments when I truly get it and cry for what Christ did for me, but in my every day, I am just do it all myself. This is not easy for me to talk about since it is hard to tell about your heart. I long for that closeness to God I felt when I first walked with Him (wasn’t married and had no kids by the way). I know that this is just a time that will pass really quickly, since my kids are 15 months, 6 and twin 8 year old, but does anyone have any thoughts on how to let Gods word really sink in amidst the chaos? Thank you so much for this study and thank you for letting me vent.
Those are great suggestions, Kathy. No matter our season of life, it’s helpful to get those reminders to take advantage of those God moments throughout our day.
Darcey, here’s another thought for you to consider: it sounds like you are very attentive to the needs of your family. Remember that answering their questions and helping them get ready for the day are beautiful ways that you are serving the Lord! Perhaps when you feel called away by their needs, remind yourself that this is another opportunity for you to glorify the Father with your servant heart. You’re being obedient to your calling as a wife and mother and while that may not “feel” as spiritual as spending an hour reading your Bible and praying, it is definitely an act of obedience and a great way to show the Lord that not only do you love your family, but you love Him.
I will pray you will be able to find the quieter times as well to focus solely on Jesus, but in the meantime, don’t be too hard on yourself. You are filling a hard but important job.
Darcey, thanks so much from sharing from your heart. I know that so many young moms struggle with the same thing you are experiencing. And you’re right, part of it is the season of life you are in. Right now you may have to strive more for quality of time with God than quantity. I also know from decades of following Jesus that our passion – our emotions – do ebb and flow. Sometimes we must choose to follow out of obedience until that time when God “fills us up” again. Even though I don’t have little ones at home anymore, I do still struggle with staying focused during my formal quiet times. Journaling really helps. I write what God is pointing out to me while I read His Word and often I journal my prayers. That helps keep my mind from wandering and helps me remember what God has said to me.
Another suggestion is to take advantage of the “God moments” throughout the day. Sometimes when I’m driving, cooking, whatever, my mind goes to God or to a Scripture or something I see reflects God’s nature or power. I know that’s God trying to get my attention. When that happens I try to stop – even for the briefest moment – and offer a sentence or two prayer, or praise Him, or simply thank Him for being there and loving me.
A resource you may find helpful is “Savoring Living Water: How to Have an Effective Quiet Time.” Our own Katie Orr is one of the authors. It’s full of suggestions for connecting with God during your time with Him. Here’s a link to Amazon:
Darcey, don’t give up. Stay faithful in this season. God will not leave you. Even when He doesn’t “feel” close He is there!
THank you so much, ladies. I know this, but there are days when it is harder than others. I will look into the book by Katie Orr and I just won a journal. I have not been very good at journaling but want to at least keep track of prayers and God moments. Thanks!!!!!!
Kathy and Lisa have shared wonderful suggestions and much wisdom. I also have struggled with this over the years, Darcey, and the Lord has shown me some simple ways to abide in Him throughout the day. I wrote them up here: God has used this struggle in my life to deepen my dependence on Him, to be more aware of His grace, to recognize how very much it is HIS strength, not mine, that gets me through. “We have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us.” (2 Cor 4:7) One last thing. When I feel my negative emotions rise, I have learned it really is okay for me to tell my kids “I am going to pray now before I sin in my anger,” then I walk right out of the room to a place alone, and pour out my heart. There are usually tears, but I figure God can handle that! He gets me right-hearted and straight-headed, and I can go back and deal with whatever is going on in His strength. I find if I think of prayer more like a conversation, I am more aware of Him being with me all throughout the day. I just prayed for you, Darcey!
Darcy, I, like you, struggle to get that quiet time amongst the day to day living which sometimes seems to be a distraction (but look at the distraction as a way to draw closer). Like you I do not like to share things about myself or circumstances, but I believe God wanted me to give a perspective on your two questions. I have twin girls that are 14 and a 4 year old, a husband that is an on the road deputy with funky hours and intermittent weekends and I am a workaholic. To answer your second question… does anyone have any thoughts on how to let Gods word really sink in amidst the chaos? The chaos can be part of the way you draw closer to God! Stop and watch the chaos and realize it is not chaos but Gods way of having you focus more on this or that…
Everyday seems to be a day I do not have time to spend time with the Lord so I have tried to find places/times that are unusual to talk to Him. The line at the Grocery store, waiting at a traffic light, after dropping the kids off at school turn the radio off and just listen and pray to the Lord. And the wierdest one at home is the shower. It has become my only true sanctuary. I know it sounds funny, but that has been the ONLY place I have been able to find consistent undisturbed quiet time to pray amongst lifes daily busy (bound under satans yoke) mess. As moms there are different ways to have that time with the Lord even if it is just thanking him that you are alive and able to spend the time with these beautiful children he has blessed us with. Even when my 14 year olds are giving me attitude and I am ready to pull my hair out, I thank God I was blessed with the ability to have them since there are so many women that can not have children. Then I think ok Lord, what are you trying to teach me from this experience. Believe me, I am no where near where I want to be in my relationship with the Lord, but this past year God has truly focused me within my chaos on what is more important in life. That is the Lord and my family!
Katie Orr is the wife of my associate Pastor and she has helped me more than she will ever know. We did a study in Philippians last year which I know God planned. That study prepared me for what was to come. Two scriptures within that study made me refocus my time with the Lord. I experienced a seizure in December 2011, which allowed me to learn I had a brain tumor. During the next six months (not able to drive with three kids) I learned it was inoperable and that life goes on whether we are in it or not. I know that sounds cold, but it really got my attention. God helped me give it all to Him and I truly believe he will heal me for His glory! Now as I wait, I have prayed and given all worry regarding this to Him. All I asked was that I be used, no matter what the outcome, to HIS GLORY and not mine. I used to say Philippians 4:13 to myself all the time, now I am more focused on what God is doing in my life (some say bad, I say GOOD) Philippians 4:6-7 has true meaning. I truly believe God speaks to me daily. You never know how or when God is going to use you, but He is so amazing. Maybe one verse will get you started. That is what has helped through this trial. Even saying that scripture daily gives me peace and reminds me …do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God. and the peace of God which surpasses all undertanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. The greater part is God is there for you and He will help you, just ask! Maybe a simple scripture, maybe a thought but day to day living can draw you to a true relationship with Christ, just focus on something Christ like in the Chaos and I believe you will see and hear Him clearly!
Michelle, thanks for sharing your learned by experience wisdom with us!
A little time ago I have fallen in a bad crisis as a mother..I felt inadequate and very bad for them.. I felt not able to help them to growt in a righteous way..
At some point I read somewhere that if I have them it is because God had chosen me for having them and help them through life otherwise they would have been born somewhere else..
So i understood that God had already chosen me before even I decided to have them.. to marry because he adopted me to be holy and to transform me as He did with Peter and Peter did with his disciples… as you may read in Peter 1:-8… it is one of my favorite passage:
”And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge and to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to to patience godliness; and to godliness brotherly kindness;and to brotherly kindness charity.”
I know that it is a long and difficult way through God… but I want to try to let God transform my faith from shaky to unshakable… as he does with Peter.
Maddalena, thank you for this beautiful testimony. You are right, spiritual growth is a long and difficult process. Peter wrote those verses from inspiration of the Holy Spirit and his own personal experience! I also love Acts 17:26. Paul says that God made every nation of men (which includes each person) and determined the times and places they would live. So, yes, God knew when your children would be born and who their mother would be!
I`ve read the words that He has chosen us 100`s of times, but I`ve never really stopped and thought about it applying to me. I want to believe it for me, but am having doubts.
Sometimes I feel because of some choices I`ve made, that I`ve been “unchosen”…..He seems so far away.
Will be thinking and praying about this, this week.
Carol, it’s easy to allow ourselves to feel that way. But the truth according to Scripture is that not one single person deserves God’s choosing or love. All of us are sinners. There is no one good. No one seeks God. God’s choosing and love for us is based on His character and volition. He chooses us and loves us because He is holy and perfect, not because we have earned His love. When you think about it, there is a lot of security in that!