I’m pretty sure I frequently look like a refugee. Women have a lot of “stuff” to take with us. Maybe it’s because we want to be prepared for any possible scenarios. Maybe it’s because we want to justify having large floral bags. Maybe it’s because people get used to us with a diaper bag appendage, and that matures into carrying extra snacks, random trash, and assorted fast food coupons. Or maybe it’s that we want to be ready to use our spare moments well.
When life is busy, we need to think ahead about how to make the most of time to turn our hearts to the Lord. There are many ways to organize simple devotional, study, and prayer resources we can take with us.
As a woman often on the go, there are times when I just can’t take my Bible Study materials with me. I want a handy, easy-to-carry, mobile tool for unexpected times I can turn my attention to the Lord. Imagine yourself sitting in a school pick up line … because you didn’t have time to go home. Think about waiting at the doctor’s office … because she was called away to an emergency. Or envision the 30 minutes wait during a music lesson, because it’s not long enough to leave and come back. Women have little time to waste, yet we have to learn to wait. In the waiting, it’s good to have a Prayer Album for Women on the Go. Pull it out of your purse, glove compartment, lunch bag, desk, diaper bag, or other case and use your time to do a little “praying without ceasing.”
We created these Prayer Albums as an activity at a women’s shelter. We talked about, “How do you really pray without ceasing?” It was a fun way to spend an evening with other women, putting together a tool we can all use to make the most of our time and help us abide in the Vine (John 15:1-11) in our busy lives, talking to God throughout our days.
Five sections for prayer include: Praises (giving thanks), Pits (temptations/sin), People (specific needs/hopes), Pleas (burdens/requests), Promises (scripture to guide/encourage).
Download The Prayer Album for Women on the Go here.
10 Steps to Make Your Prayer Album for Women on the Go
- Purchase a 4×6 slide in photo book (Ex. $2 option & $4 option at Target) & index cards
- Print out the 6 pages on to card stock
- Carefully cut out the divider cards
- Prepare 2 tabbed cards for each section: Praises/Pits/People/Pleas/Promises
- Trim away extra words, preparing 2 cards per section
- The final card can be used as a cover card
- Put two cards, back to back, into a pocket, so that they show on each side
- Fill 3-4 pages with index cards in between each section
- Repeat for each section
- Use index cards to write down requests, answers to prayer, and scripture, and update regularly. You can even add pictures or notes unique to the content.
Click here to download your free printable Prayer Album cards.
And when you carve out sweet time to open up your Bible Notebook, use the Bible Notebook tabs, the Meditation Worksheet, pages for Seminar and Sermon Notes, and Prayer Calendars to dig deep in God’s Word.
What an awesome tool! Thank you so much for sharing! I believe that I will share with our ladies Bible study and suggest a get-together where we fellowship and each create one of these super cute Prayer Albums!
Wonderful way to use it, Victoria. I shared it with another women’s group yesterday. It’s very “doable” and makes for a manageable way to spend time in prayer. I hope it will draw your group closer to each other and to the Lord.
This is a keeper!
Great. Thanks Venette. We want you to have tools that make walking with God a natural part of your day. Imagine the influence we could have if these little Prayer Albums “went” with woman all over!
I love this! I think this will be a great tool for my teen/tween girls too. I also think I may suggest using this as a project for the Wed night girls’ groups at my church. Thanks for sharing.
You’re so welcome Judi! A girls’ group project would really work well with this. Sometimes we give our tween/teen girls tools they aren’t ready for, and they become discouraged and give up, thinking spiritual disciplines are beyond them. This is a handy resource they can use! You might add the chance to decorate the cover and personalize it for a little “Pinterest” twist that would appeal to them too … my daughter is 17 ;)
What a great idea!!!
This is great – I had the same idea since I love scrapbooking! Thanks for having it all posted so now I can share! Perfect!
Not the same details of course but a prayer photo album! lol
I love the idea of taking your “love” and making it into something that will draw you near to the Lord’s heart and help you heave your prayers to Him!