Over two years ago, my family decided we were ready to begin the adoption process. We filled out the application with the agency we chose and waited to hear if we were accepted. After a couple weeks, they called with good news and bad news. The good news was we were accepted into the program. The bad news was we had 90 days to raise $15,000. Social services looked at our information and wasn’t sure a pastor and a stay-at-home mom would have enough money to see the adoption process through to the end (over $30,000 total). So they set the bar high, asking us to prove ourselves.
Some might have seen this as God “closing a door.” But we knew God calls all Christians to care for orphans. We knew He put the desire in our hearts to adopt. What would we do with this challenge?
Peter was also in a challenging situation in Luke 5:1-11. Christ seemed to expect the impossible. And Simon Peter didn’t know what to do. “Jesus said to Simon, ‘Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.’ Simon answered, ‘Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets'” (vv. 4-5).
In our book, Unshakeable Faith, Kathy writes, “Think of a time when God guided you in a direction that did not seem logical to you. Did you obey? How did God work in this situation?”
As we learned in this lesson, God calls each one of us. God Himself chose you. He brought you first into a relationship with Him, then called you to specific ministries and opportunities. Acts 17:26 says He even determined when and where you would live. He chose the life you are living. The school you attend. The job you have. The husband you love. The children you raise. In all of this choosing, He asks you to trust Him, just as He asked Peter.
Well, we didn’t raise $15,000 in 90 days. Halfway through our 90 day deadline, they called again and said we only had to have $7,000. Because we had been working so hard to raise $15,000 we already had the $7,000 we needed. Like Peter, we were overwhelmed with God’s goodness and faithfulness to our family. We praise Him for choosing us first for salvation, and also for each opportunity He has for us.
What can you praise Him for today? Has He asked you to continue to step out in faith, as He asked Peter to do in Luke 5? Is He asking you to rest in the assurance of His love? Tell us in the comments what you learned from this lesson in our Unshakeable Faith study.
Today I may say that God put me through a .ot of challenges during my life, but he has always gave me the instruments in order to solve all of them in a way not bad or so bad for me.
Now that I am with Him again.. and I am studying hi words willing to listen.. I may say that I am confident that He is with me in all the tidings I may receive.. one week ago I discovered that my girls, the big one, has the ADHD syndrome so I will have a lot of work to do with her in the near future… but I know that everything will go for the good because I am confident in Him…. that he will be near me helping me also in my little dark moments.