This post is the Devotional version of the study intro. You can also access the Quick Study(2 page version) of today’s lesson in a PDF. If you want to do the Full Study you can purchase the book on Amazon or CBD.
Have you ever faced hard or painful circumstances over which you had no control? The trial may have consumed your thoughts, time, and strength, but still you could do nothing to change it. Times like that can leave us feeling helpless and vulnerable.
Maybe even today your world has been turned upside down by grief or tragedy and you don’t know where to turn. Even in those situations where we are powerless, there is One who is all-powerful. We can always place complete confidence in our Lord God.
In this week’s study we will examine the identity of Jesus to help us find confidence to follow Him no matter where He leads.
Unshakeable Faith Trait Two:
Secure in Your All-Powerful, All-Knowing, Sovereign God
When Jesus called Peter to follow Him, Peter knew He was a great teacher sent by God. But as the weeks and months passed, Peter learned much more about the power and authority of Jesus.
Look up the following Scriptures. Each passage relates a miracle of Jesus that demonstrates His divine authority over a specific area. Match each passage on the left to the corresponding area of power and authority on the right.
Mark 1:21-28 nature
Mark 1:40-42 demons
Mark 2:1-11 material world
Mark 4:35-41 disease
Mark 5:35-43 forgiveness of sin
Mark 6:39-44 death
Jesus has authority over demons. He can heal any sickness and cure every disease. Jesus can still the wind and calm the waves. He even has power over sin and death. And He also has the authority and power over every circumstance of your life.
Based on these truths, how might Jesus choose to work in the circumstances of your life?
God is able to do anything! However, He doesn’t always act like we want or expect. Sometimes He allows us to go through painful circumstances. But even in the midst of the pain, God is always with us. He strengthens and comforts us in the midst of our troubles. And we can trust that He will work through our circumstances to accomplish His eternal purposes.
Let’s talk: Has your view of Jesus been limited? What specific circumstance do you need to trust Jesus with today?
Yes my vision was limited…I have never really known God and His word until now… so I never really felt and understood that He was everywhere and always with me… and in a way or another everything is sent by Him..
I had always engfaged war with all the bad thing had happened to me , trying to find a solution by myself.. never thinking that maybe it could be a reason for what was happening to me..
Now I have understood…. now I feel what it is written in Mark 5: 35-43 “Do not fear, only believe.”
As I have already written, my daughter, the big one 7# years old, has been diagnosed with ADHD, a disorder of the attention and the way her mind ”talk” to her body… or better do not talk very well with her body.. it will be a lot of work for me and for her in order to reconnect this communication between her mind and her body… but now i understand that gOd is with me and will hepl me going through this difficult way and tfhat maybe He sent this in order to let me spend more time with her.. be more patient with her.. and let her know she is really apprecieted and loved.. and she is a wonderfull and intelligent flower that has bloomed only a little bit after the usual time.
So ”Do not fesr, just believe.”
Maddalena, thanks for sharing with us how an expanded view of God has helped you face life’s trials!
I appreciate the matching exercise, Kathy. It helps me see there is NO area that Christ can’t control. Whatever my situation, He is powerful enough to work through it.
Lisa, I was excited when I first noticed how the Bible shows us the scope of God’s power. I think we “know” it but to see it laid out like this does make a difference!
As I was doing this week`s study (full version) I kept hearing the passage in Mark where the father says “help my unbelief” and your passage where you say you’ve wanted to throw in the towel and go your own way, but know that Jesus is the only One with the Words of Life.I need these to ideas to crash together in my head, or is that my heart. I’m going to be praying, “help my unbelief”……
Carol, I think the joining of these two truths is an excellent idea! Remember too that the size of the Object of your faith is more important than the size of your faith!
I really liked the “God Can” section on page 32 of Unshakeable Faith. And, I am sure there are hundreds of verses that could be listed! The truth that God is IN CONTROL is key for me to walk throught whatever comes my way. When I was on staff with Cru, and raised support for my salary and ministry expenses I had to DAILY choose that God was in control, and not worry about what was to come. I am so thankful for those years of raising support, as God’s faithfulness, power, and provision is now ingrained in my heart! He can!
Katie, I love the biblical truth in that little sidebar too! Whenever life rushes in we can go back to God’s Word to remind ourselves of the truth no matter what the circumstances appear. And you’re right, there are so many other verses I could have used. Simply not enough room!
I really make God small. The book was so great about reminding me how powerful he really is. I always ask God to handle the big stuff, but do my own thing in the little stuff. Parenting is one of those things that I never seem to be able to let God do His thing. As moms in what areas do you let God develop your kids? As a mom I forget that God may be doing something in their lives even when they are young, and try to make them do it myself. I only finished part of the book study for this week and I look forward to finishing it. Thank you for the reminder of how powerful He really is.
Darcey, I also tend to forget how big and powerful God is. We must constantly go back to those truths and remind each other of those truths.
As moms we need to follow God’s guidance in every area as we bring up our kiddos. Sometimes that may mean orchestrating every little step and other times standing back with a watchful eye to let them learn something for themselves. In matters of faith Scripture shows us we need to be purposeful and diligent about teaching them about God and guiding them to follow Him. (Deut 6:1-9; 2 Tim 3:14-17) Yes, God is already working out His plans in the lives of your little ones!