- Do you memorize scripture?
- Where do you keep the verses as you’re learning them?
- Do you have a system for review?
We want to hear what you have to share!
Please link your posts on scripture memory below. Or share in the comments.
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I was convicted about memorizing Scripture after hearing a 60 year old woman got up in church and was talking about how she had just memorized the book of Ephesians. She had started out just wanting to memorize a few verses, but she kept adding more. She thought her brain was “mush”, but the Lord helped her memorize His word. I thought, “If she can do it, I can do it, too.”
I started out with smaller passages (themes) and used the Charlotte Mason method of reviewing (modified a bit). This way you review at least something daily. Look up the Charlotte Mason Scripture memory review system on the computer. I just finished the book of Ephesians and now am working on 1 Peter. This time my daughter-in-law is doing it with me, so I have an accountability partner to keep me moving!
Scripture memory for me does not come easy. I have have to consciously work at it. I have to look for repetition in the verses or key words. For instance, 1 Peter says to the pilgrims of the dispersion in Pontus, Galatia, Capadocia, Asia, and Bythinia. I remember them by “PG cab”. Use whatever it takes to remember it.
Another thing I’m doing this time with 1 Peter is studying it thoroughly with my hubby as I memorize it. It makes it easier to remember when you actually KNOW what the author is saying. You may say, “DUH.” But that’s not how I memorized Ephesians. I did it just with rote memory. I have since gone back and studied it with my hubby. Makes much more sense now!
For a while i wrote the portion of the passage that I wanted to learn that day on a quarter of an index card. I carried it with me in my pocket all day and would constantly bring it out and work on it. That helped a lot.
One other trick was to write out the passage so it made sense (more like grammatically). Divide it into sentences or prepositional phrases. Look for lists and divide them into rhythmic patterns.
Anyway, you can do it! If I can, you can. My brain was mush (and still is!). I still get frustrated when I can’t recall something I’ve memorized when someone asks me, but I can do it when I’m alone. I don’t know how God will use it that way, but at least when I wake in the middle of the night I have something to meditate on.
Suzette, thank you for sharing this! What great ideas and encouragement for all of us who are wanting to memorize more scripture. Memorizing doesn’t come naturally to me either; I have to work at it and often forget the simplest things, but over time, things do stick, thank God.
I’m much better at midnight recitations, too, than in front of someone else. :-) But the opportunities for late-night meditations occur MUCH more often, so it’s okay.
May the Lord continue to bless you with grace and peace as you continue through 1 Peter 1. I’m working on it daily, and little by little it’s working its way deeper into my soul. The Lord is faithful.
So beautiful! Inspiring & encouraging! Now at the end of Peter, and not coming very far, however the desire, will to do, and enthusism is still there! I will continue to do shorter favorites that speak to my very soul! Those that mean much to me because I have met God there! I will be 62 this month! Already working heartily on my new regimen that I begin my birthday month! Thankyou for sharing!
You have been more of an encouragement to us than you know! Thanks for your enthusiasm and your willingness to cheer us on. Well done, friend.
I am so thankful that God knew how much I needed these words of 1 Peter 1 over these past months. There were days I felt so broken, that these words were the only things that could seem to get me back together — reading, reciting, writing them over and over again. In the doctor’s office listening to words I didn’t want to hear, during my long MRI, through my grumpy interactions with my family, nights awake sick from medicine, during my days at work when that was the last place I wanted to be, days when I didn’t know how I could make it though as a mom, a wife, a daughter, a friend. And somehow God is bringing me through with joy and thanksgiving. I’m not sure exactly how since it doesn’t even seem to make sense, but for that I am so glad.
What a beautiful testimony, Amy. The power of the Living Word at work. I’m sorry you had so many hard struggles these past months, but I’m thankful you were able to know His presence and strength with you in the midst of them. You’ve been a blessing to me and all those in our group. I praise God for your endurance–and with joy and thanksgiving! Amazing.
And your video was fantastic!