Congratulations if you memorized all or even part of Romans 8 with us! I pray you were blessed by your time in the Word. Link up here on April 3 with a post on your blog or comments about your experience.
And now…
New Bible Memory Challenge
Want to connect more with Jesus during the 50 days between Easter and Pentecost Sunday?
Join us for a short, low-pressure memory challenge. For seven weeks, we’ll learn two new verses a week, getting to the heart of who Jesus is and what He came to do.
We’ll provide resources, starting next week, from the English Standard Version–printable sheets for the schedule, text, first letters, and more. But of course you’re free to memorize in your own favorite version. Check out these general memory resources available now.
Quick Details
- Text: John 1:1-14
- Start date: Easter Sunday, April 8, 2012
- Finish date: Pentecost Sunday, May 27, 2012
- Suggested pace: 2 verses a week
If you’re on Facebook, join our NEW Hide His Word group. It’s open to anyone memorizing ANY scripture at any time. We’ll provide tools and ongoing support for all who are on a lifelong journey of hiding God’s Word in their hearts.
Spread the Word
Invite your friends to join us, too. If you tweet, use the hashtag #HideHisWord. I’ll be tweeting this:
I’m memorizing 14 verses in John 1 with @DoNotDepart. Join me? #HideHisWord
May God be glorified through His Word in us!
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1
Next Week
Full schedule and resources…coming soon!
Awesome, I’m so excited, Lisa! John is the first book we should ask non-believers or new Christians to read and how great it will be if we can just give them a taste of it as we suggest it. :)
What a beautiful thought, Shonda! So glad you’ll be with us on this.
What’s the difference between html and text for the newsletter. I checked text. I assume that html looks like what my blog posts look like when I hit html. Anyway, it looks like I can change it if I need to, but I’d like to know which is best to choose. Thanks!
You can change it later. You’ll want the HTML, unless for some reason your computer email doesn’t read it.
I prefer HTML, too, just because it looks more normal and because you can click directly on any links (perhaps I’m lazy?).
But the content is the same in both, so you won’t be missing out on anything by receiving the text only version.
OK, thank, Katie. I will change it.
Yay! I’m so excited. Melody said she will do this with me. She knows it in fragmented pieces right now because she is learning the Latin part of it a phrase at a time, so hopefully she will help me. =)
That’s great you’ll have a partner! I’m going to see if my daughter will do it with me–she memorizes ten times faster than I do though.
Embarrassing at times that they can do that, but if I ever need to be reminded to do something (like on my to-do list), she will remind me. Better than a smartphone app! =p
i’m gonna see if my husband will do this one with me since its shorter than the romans 8 was.. and i think he already has verse 1 memorized.. :)
Hmmm…now that’s a great idea, Leslie…If I could talk my husband into it, we could do it as a family challenge. I like it.
Oooh, I very much like this idea too. I think I’ll be asking my husband!
I ruined my husband’s surprise! I asked him last night if he’d do this with me, and he said he had already planned to do it. He was going to surprise me when it was all over by reciting it to me, not having told me he’d been learning it too. :-)
Oh well. At least now we can practice together since the cat is out of the bag.
That is so sweet! And now very cool that you can practice together.
I just asked my husband this evening, and he said yes! I’m excited about taking this challenge with him. We can hold each other accountable even when we’re tired from lack of sleep or other circumstances arise. (Why would we be lacking sleep these days, right? Ha ha ha.)
I’m excited another Journey through the word, encouraged by other women, all by grace and love. Thanks..
I’m glad you’re participating again, Kim!
I did not finish Romans 8, verses 22 – 23 got the better of me. So, from being ahead I went to not finishing. I did memorise Ps 121 and some of the Hello Morning Challenge verses at the same time.
I would love to join but I have to finish Romans 8 first and will join the next Hiding the Word in my Heart
That’s fine, Esther. Just jump in anytime. The schedules are suggested dates only.
Verses 10-11 were some of the hardest for me in Romans 8; they still trip me up actually. I’m always glad when I make it past that hump and hit verse 12, “So then, brothers,…” :-)