I fling my feet over the side of the bed, take a deep breath, and another day of running begins.
The days are so crowded with to-do’s that I have begun to leave a trail of important things, lost or forgotten. A credit card. A wallet. A ham for Easter dinner sitting in its bag at the grocery checkout. Left behind in my haste to run down that list.
Some days I feel desperate for rest.
And yes, there is a physical exhaustion. But that is not all. There is this deep tiredness, a deep need for stillness and true rest.
Rest in knowing that who I am is enough.
Only one place for that rest… in Him.
I linger in Psalm 139 and marvel. Because He knows who I am. All run-around busy, wanting to serve, distracted by the tiniest wildflower, silly, impatient, little girl-ish, forgetful, hair askew, tired…

He knows
- what I do (v. 2-3)
- what I think (v. 2)
- what I will say (v. 4)
There is nowhere to hide from Him
- not in heaven (v.8)
- not in Sheol (v. 8)
- not to the east (the dawn v. 9)
- not to the west (the sea v. 9)
- not in darkness (v. 11-12)
And He has known me from the moment He first created me in my mother’s womb (v. 15-16).
I am so known, I need to not fear inviting His scrutiny (v. 23), because if He finds a hurtful way in me I can trust Him to lead me in His ways (v.24).
Relieved and reminded, I rest. Rest in Him, knowing that I am known.
I rest, knowing that I am provided for. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside quiet waters – Psalm 23:2.
I rest, knowing that I am protected. In God I have put my trust, I shall not be afraid – Psalm 56:11.
Secure like a little girl on her daddy’s lap… known, provided for, protected.
I rest, knowing that He knows me, every inch of who I am, all my broken and ugly and messy bits, and He still chose to die for me.
Willingly went to the cross. For the girl who loses her wallet, who snaps at the people she loves, who doesn’t always put Him first.
For one will scarcely die for a righteous person—though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die— but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. – Romans 5:7-8
I rest because I am wanted and loved. Who I am is enough, because He is enough.
Were you as blessed by Psalm 139 as I was this week? What did God show you in your study of this Psalm? As Easter approaches, join me in praising Jesus for dying for us, knowing full well every bit of our sin!
It seems that everywhere I turn lately…there is Psalm 139. A conversation at work, sermons, a lesson on the weekend of my
Walk with Christ, a discussion with a dear friend, devotions from various sources on different days, and then this past week with this particular study. It seems that God is trying very hard to get me to listen to this particular Psalm…to learn from it, to get healing from it. And so I will linger here for a while longer, letting those words sink in…I am fearfully and wonderfully made…and He knows me through and through.
I love it when the Lord lays something in front of us over and over and over. I heartily agree that there is no coincidence here. And what a tender psalm to be given to meditate upon! Such a good healing word for your soul, Kelly. Truth of His deep knowing of you. You are His!
“Who I am is enough, because He is enough” AMEN!
Favorite lines from a Casting Crowns song: “Not because of who I am, but because of what You’ve done; Not because of what I’ve done, but because of who You are.” Yes, yes, yes!
Patti; I love your posts! I can especially relate to this one when you siad “I have begun to leave a trail of important things, lost or forgotten!” Whew! I’m not the only one having this problem!
What a terrific way to interpet Psalm 139. I love this Psalm. It reminds me of God’s presence- so close to me. We, as sisters-in-Christ, share in the knowledge that He knows us inside and out. It is a huge comfort to my soul to know that my Father in Heaven loves me.
LOL Carmen! I guess we are both members of the Forgetful Club. :-) Thank you so much for your encouraging comment. And you are right, the far more precious “club” that we belong to is our family in Christ… sisters, daughters, loved through and through. May we walk in that truth and let it be reflected in our choices today!