Have you lost your peace?
While spiritual fruit won’t rot like physical fruit, we miss out on the deliciousness of the fruit of the Spirit if we don’t know how to pick it and eat it.
Here are 4 ways to find and enjoy the sweetness of peace.
We are looking this month at each individual piece of the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).
The bananas were in a bag, sitting in a corner of the kitchen counter. The grapes were unwashed in the bottom bin of the refrigerator. The oranges were in their mesh bash in another bin, tucked away safe and sound.
I had picked them out. Paid for them. Brought them home.
But I wasn’t eating them.
And what happens to fruit when it sits out, uneaten for weeks? It rots. It’s no longer good to eat.
When We Can’t Find Our Peace
One reason we don’t graze on our fruit is because we get full on other things.
The same happens with our spiritual lives. If we start to feel anxious, we binge on distractions. We tune into Netflix. We chat up a friend. We busy ourselves with work.
Looking outside is easier then digging inside to uncover what God wants us to see.
So our peace goes unnoticed. Jesus isn’t consulted. And our anxiety, while it may hit pause for a minute, is still on.
Another reason we don’t find peace is we misunderstand it.
What is peace anyway? Is it the opposite of worry? Is it the absence of fighting? Is it total serenity with the world?
Peace for a Christian is a person. It’s Jesus. He is the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). Jesus is peace personified.
Jesus told His disciples that His peace is different. It’s more than the calming of nerves; it’s a solid base that emotions can’t disrupt.
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”
John 14:27
Don’t Feel Peaceful?
But isn’t peace something we’re supposed to “feel”?
We do “feel” peace at times. (I thank God for those times.) But peace as fruit of the Spirit is deeper than feelings.
- Peace is an unbreakable bond with God.
- Peace is rest from earning.
- Peace is our safe place for the soul, no matter what is stirring above ground.
We don’t have to be calm enough to receive peace. Or wise enough. Or courageous enough. We don’t have to earn peace by being good enough. We just have to trust that peace is there because Jesus said so.
Peace is a grace that redefines who we are. It lives in the centermost places, places where our fickle emotions can’t survive.
How to Find and Enjoy Peace
So how can we enjoy this peace on the inside when life is stressing us on the outside?
1. Let it ripen on its own.
You can’t create fruit. You can only prepare for its growth and then let it ripen.
Similarly, you can’t make yourself feel peace. But you can nurture your faith in Jesus so that peace can ripen in you.
Uncover peace in your soul by releasing outcomes you can’t control. The heavy burdens you carry aren’t yours to drag around. Take a break from single-handedly trying to fix the world’s problems.
Walk with Jesus. His path is a walk of peace. Jesus calls you to rest.
Start noticing peace when striving stops.
“And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 4:7
2. Put it in an obvious place.
When I keep my bananas in a dark corner, I forget about them. But when I put them in a bowl on the kitchen table, I see them and eat.
Put reminders around your house that you already have peace. Peace is your DNA; you are a child of Peace. It’s a gift inside you, right here, right now.
Here is a list of verses that Patti shared on peace. Print some. Memorize others. Let them prompt you to remember Jesus, your peace.
“You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.”
Isaiah 26:3
3. Take it on a picnic.
The easiest way for me to eat fruit is to carry it around with me. To eat an orange, I peel it at home, put it in a baggie, and take it with me for a snack. When I get hungry, and there’s no other food around, I’ll eat the orange.
You can use your peace this way, too. When you’re facing a difficult situation, perhaps full of fear and angst, tap into the foundation of peace you carry around inside you.
Know that beneath your concerns and worries, Jesus has laid a safety net of peace for you. Look fear in the eye and say, “I can do this [scary thing] because no matter what, I have peace underneath it all.”
Let peace satisfy your hunger for security in the midst of unknowns.
You don’t have to believe what you feel. Trust what you know instead. Because Jesus, the overcomer, is in you, peace is in you, too. Don’t wait until your fears disappear before you embrace peace; lean on peace in the midst of worries. Peace is confidence.
“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33
4. Cook it up and share it with others.
My mother-in-law does delicious things with fruit: strawberry pie, banana pudding, peach cobbler. Your fruit of peace is also meant to be shared. When your friends feel anxious, give them some peace.
Share your peace by reminding your friends of Jesus’s promises. Let them know that He will never forsake them. Remind them that God is for them. No one can snatch them out of His strong hand.
The truths that bring you peace are meant to be passed around.
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.”
Matthew 5:9
Peace Is Here
Whether or not you are feeling at peace today, thank God anyway that peace has been planted deep inside you. It’s here.
Outer winds may create ripples on the surface, but deep waters stay steady. You are safe. You are loved. You are His.
That’s peace.
Take a bite every day. Savor its sweetness.
What steals your peace? Do you have a favorite verse about peace? Please share in the comments.
For a musical taste of peace, enjoy “Peace Be Still” by Lauren Daigle.
Binge on Peace here:
- Why Abide: Peace in the Storm (memory verses)
- Shalom – Pursuing God’s Peace
- Where Is Your Peace? It’s Not the Absence of Trouble
True peace is not the absence of conflict or trouble, it is the presence of God residing within us. What wonderful reminders you have shared here, Lisa. Blessings!
Thanks, Martha. Yes, it is almost too good to believe that God chooses to reside in us. But so grateful that it is true. We are blessed beyond measure.
Love your analogy between the fruit and peace. Thankfully it is a free gift and something we don’t need to earn. Great tips. Remembering what peace is not, helps me notice when I am not feeling peaceful. And then remind myself God is in charge and give him my load and trust he will work things out.
I agree with you, Theresa: it often helps me to remember what peace is NOT. It is a signal to me to wake up and be more aware of God’s presence right here, right now. Thank you for sharing these insights here.
Love the analogy with physical fruit.
Peace is one of the greatest gifts our Father gives us, and yet we don’t use it to His designed full potential. It all starts with Him.
Thanks for the timely reminder.
“It all starts with Him.” That’s true, Floyd. I want to learn to tap into this gift of peace more and more. I leave too much on the table. More Jesus, please. We can never get too much of Him.
“One reason we don’t graze on our fruit is because we get full on other things.” Oh goodness, this is so true! Thanks for all this peace wisdom, Lisa—especially the “picnic”… that’s something I will think about often over the summer! His peace is like nothing else! Stopping by from #faithnfriends 😊
I’d love to have a lot of “peace picnics” this summer myself. :) Thanks for stopping in, Laura!
I love the picture of preparing peace (peeling the orange) and taking it with you (to eat when you need it) and we can share what we have taken with us. Peace can be tricky as we only experience it when we are trusting God for all our needs. Many Thanks 8)
Thanks, Debra. Yes, peace can be tricky because often we forget we have it when we are experiencing it the most! We’re more apt to notice its absence than its presence. I want to trust God more and more and be aware of the peace He is.
This is a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing so many truths about why we miss peace in our lives and how we can be filled with it. He gives us so much sweetness to enjoy, and peace is such a delicious fruit. I do want to remember it is always with me and in me by way of His presence. I don’t want to fill up on other things that never satisfy. Thank you, I needed all of these reminders!
I wonder if every generation has felt they had too many distractions to peace. :( It seems like ours are so visible, but maybe it’s because we have so many extra comforts instead of distresses…. (Just thinking out loud, ha.) Either way, I’m with you, Cheryl: I want to remember that peace is always with me and in me! Thanks for sharing your thoughts here.
Lisa, this is SO GOOD! Thanks for reminding us that peace is a person. When I stay near to Jesus, peace will come automatically. I’m remembering I need to keep His promises in front of me! Thank you!
It reminds me of the saying that fish don’t know they’re in water; I can forget that I’m living in peace. I want to remember and stay more aware too. Thanks, Betsy.
Lisa – I love this – We do “feel” peace at times. (I thank God for those times.) But peace as fruit of the Spirit is deeper than feelings.
Peace is an unbreakable bond with God.
Peace is rest from earning.
Peace is our safe place for the soul, no matter what is stirring above ground.”
I tend to think of peace more as a feeling. You have helped me to see it is much more.
Thank you,
I know where you’re coming from, Maree. Even though I know peace is more than a feeling, I still often resort back to that working definition. Maybe it’s because I love the “feeling” of peace. But like many spiritual things, it is so much more than anything our fleshly body can understand. And for that, I am grateful.
Well said and and point made; it’s about Him in us.
Odd how we, or I, have to be reminded so often.
Thanks, Lisa.
Thanks, Floyd. Definitely include me in the “we” category of those needing reminders. We never outgrow the need for the fundamental truths .