First, we listened. We heard His invitation to come, buy for free, eat, and enjoy (Isaiah 55:1-2).
Now, we see what we are coming to: God. And soul life. And His promise to love us forever (Isaiah 55:3).
Will you memorize with us this week (Feb 3-Feb 9)?
Incline your ear, and come to me;
hear, that your soul may live;
and I will make with you an everlasting covenant,
my steadfast, sure love for David.
Isaiah 55:3 (ESV)
Suggestions for memorizing Isaiah 55:3:
- Begin each day reciting Isaiah 55:1-2 in your head or out loud
- Pray to receive the message He intends you to hear this week
- Read Isaiah 55:3. What is God asking you to do? What will you receive?
- Read or listen to The Great Invitation by John Piper on Isaiah 55:1-3
- Read through all of Isaiah 55
- Repeat Isaiah 55:3 several times a day, looking for key words and phrases
- Notice what words trip you up and mark them for extra review
- Practice Isaiah 55:1-3 using Scripture Typer
- Say Isaiah 55:1-3 aloud to someone in your home, workplace, or church
- At the end of the day thank God for His lavish gifts to you from Isaiah 55:3
- Practice using first letters:
I y e, a c t m; h, t y s m l; a I w m w y a e c, m s, s l f D. (Isaiah 55:3 ESV)
Next Monday, February 10, is our winter link-up for your blog posts on scripture memory and/or Isaiah 55. Start writing now!
More information here on memorizing Isaiah 55. Download free resources here.
What have you learned so far from memorizing Isaiah 55? Please share in the comments and/or on our Facebook memory page.
This verse is an exciting invitation:
Incline your ear, and come to me;
hear, that your soul may live;
and I will make with you an everlasting covenant,
my steadfast, sure love for David.
It helps me when I rewrite it in my own words. This is what I “see” when thinking about this verse.
Stop, whatever it is you are doing, and really listen, not just with your ears, but listen and understand, come to me that your soul may live.
Do not be like the generation that hears, but doesn’t understand. (You) Listen. (You) Come to Me. (You) Press in. (You) Live in Me. I am merciful and My desire is to leave no one behind. Do you not know that I have made an everlasting covenant with my Beloved, David, and I want you to be part of it?
It stirs my heart to know that not only has God called to each and everyone of us. But He has paid the extravagent price, both Father God and Jesus. So that, we might live in fellowship with them from the first day we accept the invitation and forever more. In the light of eternity, what in this world could possibly capture our heart and attention more than this extravagent love? Guard your heart, keep it humble and truly devoted, and abiding in the love He has so faithfully lavished on us.
Rewriting the verse in your own words is a great spiritual discipline, Valerie. Love that. When we do that, it forces us to really think about each word and to listen for the message God was sending not only then, but also now–which is what you found in this verse itself! :) Full circle.