For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Isaiah 55:9 (ESV)
The more intelligence we gather about our world, the more we know we don’t know.
The same is true for the gap between God’s ways and thoughts and our ways and thoughts. The more we learn about God, the more we know there’s much more to learn.
And the more we seek Him (Isaiah 55:6) because of His greatness, the more in awe we are of His compassion and mercy (Isaiah 55:7) to accept us as His own.
Look up at the daytime sky and the nighttime stars this week to thank God for His immeasurable power and grace to bridge the distance for us.
Be sure to read Julie’s post here for more thoughts on Isaiah 55:8-9.
To memorize Isaiah 55:9 this week, try these tips:
- Print the words by computer or by hand in the version you want to memorize
- Tape the verse to your bathroom mirror, your car dashboard, above your kitchen sink
- Whenever you see it, repeat it several times until it begins to stick with no peeking
- If you’re memorizing all of Isaiah 55, repeat Isaiah 55:1-8 to yourself first thing in the morning and last thing at night
- Say the verse aloud to yourself; make up a tune to sing it
- Practice using Scripture Typer
- Practice using first letters:
F a t h a h t t e, s a m w h t y w a m t t y t.
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The more we learn about God, the more we know there’s more to learn (Isa 55:9). @DoNotDepart #HideHisWord
What is something about our outer world that amazes you about our God?
Please share below in the comments and/or on our Facebook Hide His Word page.
For me, the beach always reminds me of God’s greatness. I was there a couple days last week with friends, and could sit for hours just watching and listening to the ocean beat against the shore, never figuring out how God could do such a thing. He’s awesome!