We make lists. To do lists. To read lists. To buy lists.
We live in a fast paced society that is all about getting things done. Go. Go. Go. Our culture sees the power in movement. But in all that getting ahead, we miss the power of remembering.
Sometimes? At the end of a day, I make a list of the things I accomplished simply so I can check them off. Yes, I’m one of those people. But there is a certain power and momentum in remembering what we’ve done.
Apparently, the Psalmist was a list maker too. But he didn’t make a list of all the things he has or hasn’t done. Instead, he made a list of all the things God has done. And wow what a difference it made!
In Psalm 77, the writer was having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.
…I would not be comforted… (v. 2)
I was too troubled to speak. (v. 4)
Ever had one of those days? Ever wonder how to change the course of one of those days? Here’s how he did it:
Starting in verse 13, he began to simply list the wonders God has done.
Your ways, God, are holy. What god is as great as our God? You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples. (v. 13)
The change in tone, attitude and hopefulness of the passage is simply remarkable from verse 13 onward.
With your mighty arm you redeemed your people, the descendants of Jacob and Joseph…You led your people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron. (vv. 15, 20)
He may not have immediately felt different, but he immediately spoke different and that changed everything.
He took his eyes off of himself and what he could or couldn’t do. Instead put his eyes on God and what He has already done and will do again.
You see, God doesn’t change. He has been faithful to do wonders and He will be faithful to do wonders. Our greatest times of struggle are simply when we forget to remember.
Make a list
Keep a journal of the things God has done in your life. When troubles come your way, fight them with remembrance of the wonders He’s done.
What is one thing He’s done that you can remember today?
What did you learn from your study of the Psalms this week?
Kat blogs at Inspired To Action, a site dedicated to helping moms develop the habits and skills they need to effectively manage their homes and raise children who are prepared to change the world. Kat and her husband live in the great state of Texas and have 3 children ages 7, 5 and 2.
I just wanted to stop by and mention that I’ve been greatly blessed by this website! I just started the Run to Him Bible Study from the beginning and so far have greatly enjoyed it! Thanks for all the great topics and helps! I mentioned this site on my blog today. http://joeandbethany.blogspot.com/2012/03/thoughts-on-this-wife-and-motherhood.html
Thanks again! :)
Thanks, Beth! So glad you are enjoying the study!
This is so essential: “He took his eyes off of himself and what he could or couldn’t do. Instead put his eyes on God and what He has already done and will do again.”
I find when I’m struggling the most, I’m too focused on what I’m doing wrong or failing to do, rather than God’s ever-present goodness and what He can, will do, and has done in the situation.
Thank you for such a strong reminder!
I agree 100% that journaling about God’s past faithfulness, and then re-reading those journal entries in difficult times, is one of the best ways to beat discouragement and boost one’s faith. Thank you for that great reminder. I posted something similar about journaling God’s faithfulness in my post titled Beating Discouragement. http://brookeespinoza.blogspot.com/2010/11/beating-discouragement.html Thanks again for a great post. I’ve been loving going through the Run to Him series. Such a blessing!
Thanks, Kat for this great post. I agree with Caroline, “He took his eyes off of himself and what he could or couldn’t do. Instead put his eyes on God and what He has already done and will do again.” this was the key to his transformation!
Praying I can always remember God’s faithfulness!
Thanks Kat… love it! Inspiring and resonates with my time in Ps 77 last week. Thank you for your words and thank you for the HM Challenge! I am seeing women’s lives changed in my group before my eyes!
This is great to remember in times when God “seems” distant and circumstances are “seemingly” out of control:
V 14 – He IS a God of wonders. He HAS DONE wonders and He IS DOING wonders. He HAS declared his strength among HIs people.
The emphasis is on what God HAS done and IS doing not what He might do or could do.
I liked how Kat pointed out that:
“He may not have immediately felt different, but he immediately spoke different and that changed everything.”
All too often I focus on how I feel or don’t feel but this is a great reminder that I can’t sit around waiting for my feelings to change. I must speak different, think different, act different, pray different and allow God to do the work of alligning my feelings with His perspective and will.
Thanks for the great study.
Yes, I think it’s all about our attitudes. Why is it that there are people in countries with no clean water who can be more content than the man who has so much more? When we choose to dwell in negative things, we choose to not trust in the God who has and is doing great things. I’m glad the psalmist continues on after verse 9. We can’t ignore that bad things happen, but we can’t let those things consume us. Once we change our attitudes and have faith that God is in control and remember the joys, we can see his faithfulness. “You see, God doesn’t change. He has been faithful to do wonders and He will be faithful to do wonders.”