Today you get a glimpse into my mind. Be prepared: It can be a little bit scary there!
I love that this month we are sharing how to use Bible study tools and explaining a bit more about how we study. {I also need to confess that I’m a tad intimidated by several – okay, all – members of the Do Not Depart team. These are some brilliant Bible teachers, y’all!}
So today, I’m admitting that I’m totally a pen and paper girl. I process everything on paper … blog posts, Bible studies, sermon applications, everything! As I read my Bible – and any other books I’m reading as well – I take notes.
One of my favorite ways to study is to explore repeated phrases in Scripture. Right now, I’ve been spending time looking at the idea of “pleasing aromas” in Scripture. Here is one page of my notes:
I love tracking the ways words are used and seeing the different places in Scripture ideas are developed. While I use my lexicon to discover the original languages and Bible encyclopedias to learn the contextual applications of specific passages, I always start my studying with paper and pen.
Perhaps you feel inadequate sometimes to study deep into God’s Word. I do too! I don’t always understand what commentaries are trying to tell me and sometimes reading lexical aids or trying to use the concordance leaves me frustrated. {That’s one of the many reasons I am glad my fellow DND writers are going to be covering some of these topics this month!} But, this one truth reassures me:
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness. 2 Timothy 3:16
ALL of Scripture is useful in my life and when I devote myself to studying it, God promises that it will not return void {Isaiah 55:11}. When I ask for wisdom to understand what I am reading and studying, God will grant it to me – generously even {James 1:5}.
So take notes, find commonalities, search for repeated words and phrases … your pen and paper are among the best Bible study tools you can use!
How has the simple process of taking notes and adding to them helped you gain deeper insight into Scripture?
Hi Terri Lynne:
I am right there with you. I love taking notes. It helps me process what I am reading. Anytime I study, pen and paper are among my tools. I have tried taking notes on the computer with Online Bibles and the like, but it is just not the same as good ole pen and paper.
I love taking notes too, both in my study journal and in Word documents on my computer! Thanks for sharing this, Teri Lynne!