I’d heard of the book Hinds’ Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard, but I’d never read it until a year or so ago. Interestingly, I began to read it right before a time when the encouragement to follow my Shepherd, unafraid, was especially needed.
I can’t remember how I first heard of the book, but I found it while browsing at second hand book shop and loved the cover, the feel, and smell. Knowing it’s reputation for being an exceptional book, I bought it.
I think it sat on my shelf for a while, but eventually, I got to it. Though it was originally published in 1955, and gathered a little dust while waiting for me to read it, God had the timing planned perfectly.
Book Details
Hinds’ Feet on High Places is a sweet, easy read. The allegory traces the spiritual journey of a sweet, lame young woman named Much Afraid, who aproaches the Chief Shepherd for whom she works and expresses the desire to escape her fearful relatives and the “Valley of Humiliation.” She wants to travel to the “High Places” where love and joy abound and desires his deer-like feet that can leap and bound over the mountains.
The Shepherd assures her that by following him, and calling for him anytime she needs him, she can travel to the High Places and gain hind’s feet!
As she climbs to the High Places, Much Afraid experiences many dangerous things that strengthen her resolve. She finds that as she is strengthened, she is changed. The Shepherd’s love is great and he doesn’t leave her crippled, powerless, or helpless!
We Can Follow Like Much Afraid
I told a bit about how I bought the book. Interestingly, I took my time reading it once I started. I was busy with life and put it to the side for a while. It was during my break from reading the book that I suffered a major knee injury that has taken me a year to heal from.
During my couch-time, I picked the book up again. And the words were just what I needed to read.
I needed to be reminded that in my crippled-ness, I could still follow. I could still have the faith that trusted in my Savior even when the future frightened me. And those fears? I could hand over my fears and trade them for stronger faith!
“In all the world I have no one but you. Help me to follow you, even though it seems impossible. Help me to trust you as much as I long to love you.” – Much Afraid, in Hinds’ Feet on High Places*“Whenever you are willing to obey me, Much-Afraid, and to follow the path of my choice, you will always be able to hear and recognize my voice, and when you hear it you must always obey. Remember also that it is always safe to obey my voice, even if it seems to call you to paths which look impossible or even crazy.” -Chief Shepherd, in Hinds’ Feet on High Places*
My Shepherd will rush to help me whenever I call on His name. Jesus loves me and no matter what my earthly legs are capable of, my spiritual legs can determine to follow Him no matter what valley He asks me to walk through!
During that trial, I was holding hands with sorrow and suffering, but they could be my friends who pointed the way to Jesus.
We all can follow like that. We all are called by our Good Shepherd to follow. And He will help us! Though we may feel incapable, we are able because He is able in us!
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. John 10:27
He made my feet like the feet of a deer and set me secure on the heights. Psalm 18:33
The LORD God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds’ feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places. To the chief singer on my stringed instruments. Habakkuk 3:19, KJV
How has God encouraged you to follow? Have you read any great books that have reminded you of His love and help during trials?
*Quotes from “Hinds’ Feet on High Places.” Hinds’ Feet on High Places, by Hannah Hurnard, Thorndike Press, 2004.
I absolutely love this book !!!! It got me through a crisis time also! I have been meaning to pick it back up…I actually have the devotional copy!