It happens like clockwork. Every December my inbox sees a sudden shift from LAST DAY! and BUY NOW! subject lines to GET ORGANIZED! and LOSE WEIGHT! As soon as December 26 hits, the cultural conversation shifts from “Buy lots of stuff!” to “Fix your life.”
It’s easy to get caught up in that isn’t it? We all want to feel well and have a productive life. I’ll admit, I have already watched almost every episode of Marie Kondo’s new Netflix series on decluttering, and my browser history shows that I am determined to get my jumbled pantry under control (who knew there were so many options for storing canned goods and baking supplies?)
There is nothing wrong with being good stewards of our bodies and our homes. The problems come when we leave Jesus out of the equation.
I think it’s safe to say that if you dig a little deeper on the surface things you want to get under control, you will find a spiritual root. Having weight issues? Perhaps you learned at a young age to turn to food for comfort. House out of control? Maybe you think if it can’t be perfect, why bother. There are many reasons why we develop habits that work against ourselves – your underlying reasons will be unique to you.
Life is hard. Painful events will happen to you, and you will need comfort. Perfection is unattainable, and we all know that homes are the most obvious example of entropy in the universe!
Pulling yourself up by your bootstraps is not going to transform your life. Yes, you can make significant changes, but if you are looking for transformation, only One can make that happen. And He absolutely will, if you let Him.
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” – 2 Corinthians 5:17
The Bible is filled with examples of this. Peter, Paul, and Mary… yes a sixties folk band, but more significantly, three of the people in the Bible who were radically transformed by Jesus. Jesus turned a foot-in-his-mouth fisherman, an anti-Christian zealot, and a mentally ill woman into people whose life purpose was to walk in love and spread the Gospel.
This month, we will be taking a deeper look at the stories of men and women in the Bible who were made new creations when they accepted Jesus. We pray that you will find inspiration to lean even more on Him, and trust Him to transform you. Hope in ourselves is often misplaced, but hope in Jesus never disappoints!
Encouraging words for the New Year!