On Tuesday, Lisa wrote about the Enjoy the Word conference* and mentioned Kat Lee and her seminar on building the habit of regular Bible study. We here at DoNotDepart are in total agreement with our friend, Kat– regular Bible study is an important, life-giving habit! And HelloMornings has a new Bible study we think you’d be interested in: Power for the World.
Do you know that Kat Lee is the head of the HelloMornings ministry? Your DND team is so fond of HelloMornings! Matter of fact, several of the writers here at DoNotDepart are also on the HelloMornings writing team. And we’ve been working hard over there to produce excellent Bible studies for all women.
HelloMornings and DoNotDepart want women to know: God wants us to know Him, better know ourselves, be spiritually fed, and use our overflow to bless others and point them to Him. Time spent in His Word is the place to go for all of that. Meeting God daily over the pages of the Holy Bible is both personally transformative and soul-satisfying!
Power for the World

The newest study that HelloMornings has released is Power for the World. It’s a six-week study that traces the spread of the Gospel to the nations by looking intently at the first and second missionary journeys of Paul. It highlights history, but also examines what God does (and can do) in the hearts and lives of His people today.
Power for the World is the second of three books in a series titled, Jesus, Light of Nations, a study on the Book of Acts. While this series does have three books (one yet to be released), each book serves as a stand alone study. However, if you’d like to study the entire Book of Acts, all three books must be used.
Does studying the Book of Acts appeal to you? Then check out this link where you can purchase the paperback book on Amazon, and this link where you can purchase a printable PDF of the study directly from the HelloMornings website.
What does the study include?
The HelloMornings Bible studies always include six week’s worth of daily Bible reading assignments for Mondays through Fridays. Each day’s reading is expounded on in a commentary by one of six HelloMornings authors, and includes a Key Verse for you to focus on, write out, or memorize (or all three!). This study features writing by past DND writers, Lindsey Bell and Kathy Howard, and your current DND team writers, Alyssa J Howard and me (Ali Shaw), among other of the HelloMornings Team writers.
After the Bible reading, commentary, and Key Verse, a daily worksheet is included with study prompts and space to journal your thoughts. And true to HelloMornings style, there is also space on the worksheet to focus on your daily and fitness plans.
We’re excited to share this new study with our DoNotDepart audience! We know you’re here for tools and encouragement to abide in God’s Word. And we know you want to dig deep and grow in Him. We pray this is another tool that can help you do just that!
(*If you’re interested in the Enjoy the Word conference, but feel it’s too late to join, don’t fret! It actually isn’t too late! You can watch each of the recorded sessions at your convenience. So, you can still purchase tickets and enjoy the sessions when you have time to watch. Head here to find out more: Enjoy the Word Online Conference)
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