All month long here on the blog we’ve studied Hebrews 10:1-25 together. Here is a wrap up of our study and links to each post.
All month long, we’ve studied Hebrews 10:1-25. What a powerful section of Scripture! Like I mentioned in the introduction to this study:
It “brightly highlights the ‘once-and-for-allness’ of Christ’s sacrifice” and “ties the Old and New Testaments together in a clear way (like all of Hebrews does, really). In it, we see that Christ completely fulfills the old system of Levitical sacrifices. And in the same vein, it is Jesus’ sacrifice that pays the debt of our sin. It is by the gift of grace through faith in Jesus that we are saved and made right with God.”
Only Jesus’ blood can remove sin, once for all!
Posts in Our Study
In the first post in this study, focusing on Hebrews 10:1-4, I asked if you are content with any “shadows” and if God is calling you to “give up shadows to walk in real freedom?” What a wonderful truth that “true freedom and cleansing from sin comes by grace through faith Jesus. (See Ephesians 2:8-9) And that’s no shadow. That’s the real thing: grace and truth! (See John 1:17
Jaime wrote on Hebrews 10:5-7 and reminds us that the Plan All Along was for Jesus to come and give Himself as the ultimate sacrifice. His perfect body was needed to wipe away sin completely! She wrote, “There is nothing we could do to, no way to be good enough on our own. The Law proves this. Only His perfect sacrifice could do the job. That was the plan, all along.”
Lisa reminded us that it’s not always easy to give up what we’re used to. She tells us that “if we don’t take our foot off first base, we’ll never run to second!” In her study of Hebrews 10:8-10, she says, “Here we see that the first things—sacrifices and offerings—weren’t enough to make us holy. It took the second thing—Jesus—to close the deal. ‘He does away with the first in order to establish the second'” (Hebrews 10:9).
Cheli explained to us in her post on Hebrews 10:11-14 that Jesus removed all the barriers to God, making new life with God available to those who believe (Galatians 2:20). He sits next to the Father, interceding for us, ready for us to launch into life with Him (Romans 8:34). She tells us that “Hebrews 10:14 speaks our future with God:
‘For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified.’
Whereas, Christ’s work is done; the Holy Spirit’s job has just begun… so, we can be sanctified [and] become like Him (Romans 8:29).”
In Kelli’s post, expounding on Hebrews 10:15-18, she tells us that though we should owe for our sins, God promises “a new covenant in which transformation would take place within His people. He would forget their sin forever and they would have the privilege to draw near to God by faith, not works — faith in Jesus, not works of the law (see Hebrews 10:22). God’s divine will is not to punish us. His will is that we draw near.”
Patti concluded our study in Hebrews 10:19-25 with her post, Draw Near, Hold Fast, and Take Care. She says, “As we conclude our study of Hebrews 10 this month, today’s passage provides us a lovely and simple thought to meditate upon: Draw near to God, hold tight, and take care of those around you. It is our drawing near that gives us the strength to care for others. And it is only because of Jesus’ once for all sacrifice that we can even begin. Without His gift to us, we could not draw near to God, and none of the rest would matter. Praise His holy name!”
We pray our study blessed you. What did God show you in your studies on Hebrews 10:1-25? Share in the comments or in the “DoNotDepart Community” Facebook group.
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