We’ve prayed and planned and printed.
A community of over 200 women and men have signed up and are ready to receive the truths of Psalm 121 beginning Monday, January 16.
It’s not too late if you want to join in. Get on our Psalm 121 email list now to be notified each week for the next six weeks about our verses, first letters, downloadable resources, and checklists.
None of us can do it on our own.
Our help will come from the Lord (Psalm 121:2).
Dear Lisa, I have formatted Psalm 121 as a lesson file for the typing tutor I use (GNU Typist). GNU Typist
runs in the terminal so I learn typing in my usual computing environment. The intrusion of Holy
Scripture into my work life is wonderful and strange. David
Beautifully put, David. I love how the Lord “intrudes” into all areas of our live in wonderful and strange ways. Embracing the mystery.