All this month on the blog, we’ll be doing an online Bible study focusing on Colossians 3:1-17 called, Renewed: Putting on the New Self. In this post we’ll discuss Colossians 3, verses 1 and 2.
Why Study Colossians 3:1-17?
This passage is a rich description of what the “risen life” looks like— a life of union with Christ. This sort of Christian living is the kind that puts away earthly things in favor of heavenly ones. Rather than seeking and pursuing the old way of life (before a saving faith in Jesus), its goal is to live as someone renewed. That is, putting on the new self and looking to the Savior as the example of how to live, serve, and love others.
This particular portion of Scripture has been called “guidelines for holy living.” But we must be careful not to read it as simply a list of rules to follow. There are directives to obey, yes, but the focus is Christ! We tend to want to make passages like this about us, don’t we? It’s good to remember that the aim of a holy life is to glorify Jesus.
As we study, let’s remember to invite the Holy Spirit in to do His work of guiding, counseling, and pruning us for the glory of Christ. May we draw near God and be filled with the fruit of His Spirit!

Seek the Things…
When I was a little girl, one of my favorite games was Hide and Seek. I didn’t really like to be “it,” though. I always preferred hiding! I loved finding a tiny little space, wedging myself in, and staying as still as I could be. I was the kind of kid that hid so well I often couldn’t be found.
But I didn’t like seeking very much. It was harder work and less exciting. It seemed like a chore. And you earned being “it” by losing– by being found when you were the one hiding. What fun is that? And for me, matters only got worse when I couldn’t find the people I sought. That was always a bummer of defeat.
But not all seeking is a boring, defeating chore!
“If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.” (Colossians 3:1)
What we seek matters! In the verse above, we are told to seek heavenly things, where Christ Himself is. Paul wrote these words to the church at Colossae to remind them that as children of God, as Believers in Jesus Christ, they are to seek (actively look for and pursue) knowing Christ more intimately. (Wow!)
These words are for us, too. What a beautiful and rewarding thing to seek!
Set Your Minds…
Not only are we told to seek the things above, but we’re told to set our minds on the things above.
“Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.” (Colossians 3:2)
I love how this verse has a contrast. I know it’s for greater emphasis. We’re told to set our minds on heavenly, spiritual things not on something else. I’m sure you see what it is.
Exactly. We are not to set our minds on the things of the earth.
I may be the only one, but it seems easy to read the first part of that verse and say, “Ok! Got it! ‘Set my mind on things above.’ I’ll work on that!” But without hearing the last part of the verse I might not stop and analyze (you know, do a heart check), “Wait, not on earthly things? Uh-oh, am I doing that? Oh, boy… I sure am.”
It’s that reminder of what not to do that makes the passage hit home for me. It helps me see and remember a few things:
- I need Christ’s help to seek Him and set my mind on Him.
- The things of this world really try to catch my attention. (Sometimes the world – and what’s happening in it – seems like the most important thing, but it isn’t!)
- This world is only temporary. I shouldn’t put my faith or hope in it!
- I am a citizen of heaven, therefore Christ is my ultimate focus.
- I am told to seek Him and set my mind on Him because He knows this is best. He promises He can be found when I pursue Him. (Matthew 7:7)
This world will disappoint us. There will be strife, pain, suffering, turmoil— you name it. That sounds so depressing, doesn’t it? But Jesus is the good news!
“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)
What a promise! Let’s seek Him and set our minds on things above, not on the things of the earth. This type of shift in our mindset will most certainly renew us. Our Savior is so very worthy of being the center of our attention!
We hope you’ll join us the rest of the month as we focus on what it means to be Renewed. We’ll set our minds on Christ and look to Him as our example for Christian living, allowing our hearts to overflow with gratitude because of who He is and all He has done.
How are you setting your mind on Him today?
In Him,
I love the firm focus on the new life in these Scriptures (I’m reading Romans just now as well). I am completely reborn, and the old life is so far away. “Born again” has become a cliche but these verses make it fresh. And the new life is an active one — “seek!” — it really is life.
… but yes, I can’t help but read that second part of verse two as a reminder and admonition.
Totally agree, David. That new life He gives is such a wonderful gift! God is so good and so generous to offer it… I am thankful for that and that He knows what is best for me. Looking to Jesus will never disappoint!