Every original follower of Christ had a unique, one-of-a-kind combination of skills, experiences, and gifts to carry out the command to multiply the gospel throughout all of the peoples of the earth. When Jesus delivered the directive to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,” (Matthew 28:19a) he was speaking to a group of 11 varied individuals. “Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them,” (Matthew 28:16). While on the mountain, the Son of God filled the imagination and vision of the disciples as they heard the missional imperative to reach people with the gospel. Matthew may’ve been thinking about the funding, and Peter may’ve been thinking about traveling by boat.
What skills, experiences, and gifts has God woven into the fabric of your being as resources for reaching the world?
- Do you know how to deliver a baby and treat illnesses?
- Do you know how to teach a lesson effectively so people understand?
- Do you know how to start a small business and manage money?
- Do you know how to learn languages and relate in other cultures?
- Have you known what it is to lose a child or suffer a great loss?
- Have you experienced poverty or struggled with unemployment?
- Have you faced oppression or experienced prejudice or persecution?
- Have you made choices that have left you guilty?
- Do you have citizenship that opens doors for you around the world?
- Do you have financial resources that meet your needs and then some?
- Do you have the ability to read and a Bible to explore?
- Do you have an understanding of God’s truth?
God equips those He calls
God doesn’t call us without equipping us. Every disciple of Christ is a resource for reaching those who have yet to experience God’s forgiveness. No one who calls themselves by the name of Christ is exempt from a part in the grand plan of getting out the word of the truth.
God has a heart for all nations
The great giver of grace has a heart for all people, every tribe and tongue. He declares, “Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice, and let them say among the nations, ‘The Lord reigns!'” (1 Chronicles 16:31). God plans for all nations to be included in the scope of salvation born when “God so loved the world,” (John 3:16).
God includes all disciples in the plan
In sounding out His plan for all nations to know of the salvation brought by His Son, He strategically equipped individuals, churches, and nations to spread the gospel so all will hear. “How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching.” (Romans 10:14)
If you are a disciple of Christ, you are a resource to reach others. The disciples who stood around Jesus on the Galilean mountain had one thing in common with one another and with every follower of Christ since: “Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more.” (Luke 12:48)
How will God use the RESOURCE of YOU?
- Will He use you to send others?
- Will He use you to pray?
- Will He use you to train others about His plan?
- Will He use you to open doors for others?
- Will He use you to support national believers in their own nations?
- Will He use you to be the one to go?
How has God gifted you? How has He gifted your church? How has He gifted your nation for this time in history? YOU ARE A RESOURCE TO REACH THE WORLD.
May God entrust us with much as He sends out His truth and multiplies grace among the peoples of the world.
Tweetables to share:
- God doesn’t call us without equipping us http://wp.me/p1Su7F-2NH #MissionalLiving @donotdepart < Tweet this!
- YOU are a resource to reach the world. http://wp.me/p1Su7F-2NH #MissionalLiving @donotdepart < Tweet this!
Love this: “If you are a disciple of Christ, you are a resource to reach others.” We all have strengths! I always think of 1 Corinthians 12 when I read thoughts like this.
It’s so encouraging to know that there’s always something we can do individually… He gives us those resources for His glory and He equips us “so all will hear”! Amazing, really!