We call the message of Jesus “Good News” (and rightfully so!), but sometimes, I’m afraid many of us don’t act like the news is good.
We say we believe in the Good News, but the frowns on our faces, the lack of joy in our hearts, and the complaints on our lips say otherwise.
I’m afraid that when people look at us, they don’t see the joy of the Lord but instead the life of someone who wants to feel joyful…but has somehow allowed Satan to steal his or her joy.
To be completely honest, my life hasn’t displayed God’s Good News very much over the past few years.
Instead, I’ve allowed the difficulties in this life to suffocate the goodness of God. I’ve allowed Satan to steal my joy.
Maybe you can relate.
Maybe you have proclaimed with your mouth on Sunday that God is good but have shown through your actions and attitude during the week that you don’t really believe it.
Because the truth is…it’s hard to share God’s Good News when the world seems so bad.
It’s hard to maintain joy over God’s Good News when it feels like your life is falling apart.
But in reality…I have learned lately that these hard times are when God’s News shows itself to be really good.
Why the Gospel Really Is Good News:
- God’s news is good because it promises a better tomorrow.
- God’s news is good because it reminds us that no matter what happens today, we have a heavenly home where there will be no more pain and no more suffering.
- God’s news is good because it reminds us that no matter how we have failed, Jesus’ death on the cross has paid the penalty for our sins.
- God’s news is good because through it, everyone has the opportunity to be saved.
- God’s news is good because it shows us just how much God adores us.
As I was thinking about which Greek word to write about here at Do Not Depart this month, one word kept coming back to me: “euaggelion,” or Good News/Gospel (Strong’s Concordance #2098).
This word literally means “good or joyful news.” It is God’s Good News to the world He loves.
The word “euaggelion” (or Good News/Gospel) shows up 76 times in the New Testament books. 76 times!
That’s 76 reminders of God’s love for us…76 reminders that we have a reason for joy (no matter what is happening in our lives)…and 76 reminders of what Jesus did for us on that cross.
The word isn’t limited to Jesus’ death on the cross, though. It is the summation of the entire biblical text. It’s the entire story of how God has sought after His beloved people ever since the very first day they were led astray.
Euaggelion is the love story of God and His children.
In Mark 16:15, one of the 76 times when Gospel/Good News is used, the text says,
“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”
Our lives will never be perfect, but we nonetheless have a job to do. Our job is to share God’s good news with others.
Because the truth is…
This life is hard, but our God and His Gospel message are still very, very good.
Later this month we’ll be offering you a beautiful set of Key Greek Words of the New Testament flashcards that you can print to help you remember all we’ve studied together. Be on the lookout for this printable!
What would you add to the list above? What about God’s Good News makes you the most excited?
Thank you for sharing! Such a beautiful reminder of tomorrow’s promise!
Thank you, Emily! I’m so glad the post spoke to you today.