Whether or not you’ve been memorizing Isaiah 55 with us already, join us for this week’s verse. It’s a great one to keep with you all week.
Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the LORD, that he may have compassion on him, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.
Isaiah 55:7 (ESV)
Isaiah is not saying, “You’ve messed up, so come home to get your whipping!”
Rather, he does say come back to the Lord so you can feel His compassion and can accept His forgiveness.
It’s a sweet trade-off: give up your foolish ways and be given the Lord’s mercy.
SUGGESTIONS for memorizing Isaiah 55:7:
- As you’re waking up, review Isaiah 55:1-6 in your head (takes only one minute!)
- Post Isaiah 55:7 around your house or work area and read it often
- Try saying the verse aloud as soon as you’re able to whoever will listen
- Meditate on what it means: what attitudes or behaviors do you need to give up? How does forgiveness feel?
- Review frequently throughout the week
- Practice using Scripture Typer
- When you’re back in bed, review all 7 verses in your head
- Practice using first letters:
7 L t w f h w, a t u m h t; l h r t t L, t h m h c o h, a t o G, f h w a p. S t L w h m b f; c u h w h i n. (ESV)
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What harmful habits are you holding on to–selfishness, anger, envy? What keeps you from giving them up? What motivates you to change your ways?
Please share below in the comments and/or on our Facebook Hide His Word page.
This is my second time to memorize Scripture with Do Not Depart. I only just recently found you so I completed Ephesians 1 the last time around and am now working on Isaiah 55. Thank you for this ministry. It has already blessed me so much. It is a great encouragement to me to know others are working on committing these verses to memory too.
Mary, I’m so glad you’ve stayed with us for another round of memory work! It definitely encourages us, too, to hear of others who value this spiritual discipline.