But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror. For he looks at himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like. But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing. James 1:23-25, emphasis added
I believe …
We say it all the time. I believe Jesus is the Son of God. I believe we’re called to share our faith. I believe God wants us to know Him intimately through time spent in prayer and in His Word. I believe the Word is true and changes people’s lives.
I believe.
But do we? Really?
James says there is a difference between a hearer of the Word and a doer of the Word. I’ve thought about this a great deal. Not in the context of a works-based salvation, but even deeper. That difference between knowing and believing.
Knowing the straps on a roller coaster are designed to hold me safely in the ride is one thing. Believing they will do that job is totally different. Knowing might get me in line … but believing straps me in the seat.
Maybe, just maybe, we get caught up in the knowing … standing the lines of Bible study homework completed and church attendance lists … and we miss the real grace of believing … of strapping in the ride.
Believing might call some of us to sell everything and live in a poor community sharing the love of Jesus with those who have lost all hope. Believing might ask some of us to give up the frantic pace of modern life and move slowly, intentionally, to be different in the scariest ways we can imagine. Believing might require early mornings spent in prayer and study or late nights of intercession for the lost. Believing asks that we lay down our dreams, our plans, our understanding.
Believing is strapping for the ride of our lives … with promised suffering but also eternal hope.
I don’t know about you, but I’m no longer satisfied with standing in the line of knowing. I’m choosing to strap myself into the ride of believing. Believing bigger, believing better.
Will you join me?
A guest post by
Married to her talented Worship Pastor husband and momma to her silly {and slightly hormonal}tween girl, Teri Lynne is living out her own happily ever after. Finding glimpses of holy in the most mundane places, Teri Lynne’s one desire is to invite others into this journey toward a life where the sacred and secular collide. She writes at a little white desk and studies in a big not-so-white-anymore chair in between loading the dishwasher, putting the dog out, and sitting in the car line. Grace grabbed hold of her life and since it did, she’s never been the same. You can join her on her blog and on Twitter.
For the month of December we are sharing posts and quotes to help us escape the Cycle of Try Harder, through Believing Better.

“I don’t know about you, but I’m no longer satisfied with standing in the line of knowing. I’m choosing to strap myself into the ride of believing.”
Amen. We learn more so we can be more–more of who He calls us to be. And as we are more, we do more. It’s such a lovely way he works.
I want to believe bigger too. Thanks for the encouragement, Teri Lynne!
Thank you, Lisa! It’s a big line to cross, isn’t it? Moving from “doing the motions” to really living the disciple’s life? But I want that … I long for that. So I’m strapping myself in!
Believing might just get you to raise your hands up and enjoy the ride as well! I want to be that girl Terilynne!!! I want be her so my girls will too!!
Love you and your words that always always bless!
“Maybe, just maybe, we get caught up in the knowing … standing the lines of Bible study homework completed and church attendance lists … and we miss the real grace of believing … of strapping in the ride.”
Yes! Our churches are filled will people who know all the “answers” but seem unwilling to take a step of faith to DO what the Word teaches! I, too, can get caught up in studying and theology, but not actually taking action to what He reveals!
Great post, Teri Lynne!
You two, Stacey and Katie, you two are gifts to this girl who loves to write and encourage. Yes, Stacey, let’s throw our arms up and experience the freedom of believing …
Katie, I too get wrapped up in the studying and neglect the doing. Praying hard for the desire to act …