For a long while I’ve had a vision for DoNotDepart. I’ve wanted our team to provide a 31 Day Challenge for you, dear reader! And despite a busy Christmas season, website glitches and issues (I’m sure you’ve noticed– thanks for your patience!), and some personal health things behind the scenes, we’re putting together a challenge to kick off the New Year. I’d envisioned a long promotion and more time for preparations, but God has taught me the importance of flexibility in response to trials and steadfast obedience regardless of “commotion”, so here we go!
I truly pray that this challenge and the free printable packet we’re providing will bless you.

The 1 For 31 Challenge

You’ll find:
- Challenge Tracker
- Journaling Page
- Author/Audience/Date/Themes Sheet
- A General Study Sheet
- Practical Application Page
- Word Study Sheet
- And more!
- Plus two bonus pages: Church Notes and a Gratitude Journal
Print as many or as few pages as you’d like. The General Study sheet has a blank space so that it can be customized for whatever chapter you’re studying that day.
January on the Blog
Each week in January we’ll be writing about the chapters we’re reading together. We’ll offer insight, encouragement, share what we’ve learned, and so on. But we want to hear from you, too! So feel free to join us in our DoNotDepart community Facebook group if you haven’t already, to discuss what you’re learning!
I’m looking forward to starting the New Year in wisdom and growth alongside you, friends!
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight. – Proverbs 9:10
Are you ready?
Some bible study among with Memorization is awesome
So glad you’re on board! We’re excited about going through Proverbs together. Blessings!