My nine year old daughter recently asked me, worriedly, “Mama, how can I remember to read my bible every day?”
My daughter is a girl who loves God. She wants to read her bible every day. But sometimes she doesn’t do it. Life distracts her, just as it distracts many of us.
Perhaps you also face this dilemma. After years of struggling to read my bible daily, I realized the simple answer to my daughter’s question. I needed to make it a habit that fit naturally into the routine of my day.
Now you may be thinking “Ah, the early morning quiet time.” And yes, I do mean that, but not exclusively.
Getting up early to pray and read God’s Word is a great joy and blessing. But sometimes an early morning quiet time just isn’t realistic.
Take, for example, the early years of parenting. The sleepless nights. The busy, exhausting days. The nursing babes who wake from a deep sleep within five minutes of mother getting up, no matter the time.
Early morning quiet time may not be viable if you are in this precious season of life with small children.
Or perhaps you have to leave early for work, but the only time you have to spend with your husband is late at night, so your morning time is a blur of getting up and out the door.
You can still read your bible every day.
The key is to have a routine. Think about your day. Is there a consistent time when you can pick up the Word and read? Maybe you do need to get up 15 minutes earlier. But maybe you could read during the kids’ nap time? When you get into bed at night? During lunch?
I read through the entire bible during afternoon nursings one year. No early quiet time for me back then. But I still read the bible!
Think out of the box. You don’t actually have to read the bible yourself, you could listen to it. What about an Audio Bible while you drive or do dishes?
And toss out the I’m-only-a-good-Christian-if-I-read-this-many-pages-a-day guilt trip. I’m going to go out on a limb here… there are no rules! You don’t have to spend an hour reading and an hour praying and an hour studying to be loved by God.
Because the point here is not to fulfill an obligation or check something off your to-do list. Believe the truth… God wants you. YOU! He knows you, knows your life, and He just really wants you to hang out with Him and hear His truth.
How is God going to speak truth into your life if you don’t know what He is saying? God’s Word is for you, personally.
So think about it, pray about it, get creative, and find something that works for you right now. Then stick with it! Make it a habit, like brushing your teeth or hanging up your jacket… something you just always do. Sure, life will change, you’ll have to be flexible, but then you can just get creative again.
It is for freedom that you have been set free… and you are free to enjoy meeting with God in His Word at any time of the day!
Are you struggling to spend time in the Word today?
What creative ways have you found to work the habit of reading God’s Word into your life?
I am fortunate now that I can read my Bible early in the morning. I work from home so that gives me extra time! Also, when you watch a teacher on television or radio you are getting in Bible time.
I must confess I am partial to the early morning quiet times! But there have been seasons of my life when it has been impossible. I am grateful to be back to being able to have that still time in the wee dark hours!
Thank you so much for reminding me that there is no set rules. I always try to fit into other peoples routine or try to read so much a day, but this reminded me that God only wants me to read. Thank you so much. Love the post!
Just like each relationship with our children has a different flavor, God’s relationship with each of His kids is unique. I pray you will enjoy yours to the fullest!
This is so good! What a freedom there is to know there are no rules about our quiet time! Great, practical, encouraging post!
This is such good stuff! I’m a firm believer in the power of habits and no where is it more important that our relationship with the Lord. Thanks for wise words!
Yes! So good to remember that a relationship has less to do with rules and more to do with time spent together.
This has been the most freeing post I have ever read! Thankyou. I painfully struggle with my morning time. As, I am a caregiver for a specialneeds 38yr.old son. I am always on the clock, feeling like God is disappointed in my not juggling it all. I’ve been overwhelmed of not getting it right!